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Filtering by Subject: Fresh Water Studies

Disappearance of Homo floresiensis from Liang Bua alongside seasonal aridification of Flores 61,000-47,000 years ago

Michael Gagan, Linda K. Ayliffe, Nick Scroxton, et al.

Published: 2024-12-10
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Fresh Water Studies, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Paleobiology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Speleology

The cause of the disappearance of the primitive hominin, Homo floresiensis, from the Indonesian island of Flores ~50,000 years ago is a key question in palaeoanthropology. The potential roles of human agency and climate change continue to be debated, but the history of freshwater availability critical to survival at the type locality, Liang Bua, remains unknown. Although speleothem 18O is used [...]

A Preliminary Analysis of Landsat Surface-Reflectance Data from Torch Lake in Antrim County, Michigan, from 1984 to 2023

David J Holtschlag

Published: 2024-09-06
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology

This report describes an investigation of visible light reflectances from Torch Lake in Antrim County, Michigan. The oligotrophic lake is the largest inland lake in Michigan by volume and the second largest by surface area. Local residents have expressed concern that a recent, on-going proliferation of golden-brown algae may be impacting the water quality and aesthetics of the lake. This report [...]

Lidar-based snow monitoring: cable car deployment in the Austrian Alps

Berin Dikic, Thomas Goelles, Christoph Gaisberbger, et al.

Published: 2024-06-26
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Fresh Water Studies, Water Resource Management

Traditional methods for surveying the spatial and temporal distribution of snow are often time-consuming, costly, and potentially hazardous. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach utilizing a newly developed sensor system based on cost-effective industrial lidar sensors. This system is designed to be mounted on cable cars, enabling continuous envi- ronmental scanning during [...]

Local water year values for the conterminous United States

Xinyu Sun, Kendra Spence Cheruvelil

Published: 2024-05-24
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Water Resource Management

Quantifying and predicting precipitation and water flow and their influences is challenged by the dynamic relationships between and timing of precipitation and water fluxes. To help with these challenges, scientists use “water year” to examine and predict the impacts of precipitation and relevant extreme climatic and hydrological events on ecosystems. However, traditional water year definitions [...]

Variable impact of wildfire smoke on ecosystem metabolic rates in lakes

Adrianne P Smits, Facundo Scordo, Minmeng Tang, et al.

Published: 2023-11-29
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Increasingly severe wildfires release smoke plumes that cover entire continents, depositing aerosols and reducing solar radiation fluxes to millions of freshwater ecosystems, yet little is known about their impacts on inland waters. This large scale study 1) quantified annual and seasonal trends in the spatial extent of dense smoke cover in California, USA, over the last 18 years (2006 - 2022), [...]

Defining Plastic Pollution Hotspots

Paolo Tasseron, Tim van Emmerik, Paul Vriend, et al.

Published: 2023-11-10
Subjects: Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology

Plastic pollution in the natural environment poses a growing threat to ecosystems and human health, prompting urgent needs for monitoring, prevention and clean-up measures, and new policies. To effectively prioritize resource allocation and mitigation strategies, it is key to identify and define plastic hotspots. UNEP’s draft global agreement on plastic pollution mandates prioritizing hotspots, [...]

Pygoda: a graphical interface to efficiently visualise and explore large sets of geolocated time series

Yann Ziegler, Jonathan L. Bamber

Published: 2023-10-24
Subjects: Categorical Data Analysis, Climate, Computer Sciences, Databases and Information Systems, Earth Sciences, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, Fresh Water Studies, Geographic Information Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces, Hydrology, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series, Meteorology, Other Earth Sciences, Other Statistics and Probability, Spatial Science

Modern-day data sets in geosciences may comprise hundreds or thousands of geolocated time series. Despite all the automated tools and new algorithms now available to process and prepare those data before using them in research projects, it can be useful or even necessary to visualise and investigate them manually. Whether it be for data quality assessment, for the preparation of a training data [...]

Rano Kao & Ava Ranga Uka: Rapa Nui Report 2014

candace gossen

Published: 2023-10-10
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Fresh Water Studies

29 March 2014 Objective: Sampling and testing Rano Kao water depth, evaporation and volume. Compare with previous results from 2005, 2008 and 2014 coring expeditions and detect the rate of change in lake water evaporation as compared to Global Meteoric Water Line.

The contemporary stable isotope hydrology of Lake Suigetsu and surrounding catchment (Japan) and its implications for sediment-derived palaeoclimate records

Charlie Rex, Jonathan Tyler, Kazuyoshi Nagaya, et al.

Published: 2023-10-03
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Geochemistry, Hydrology, Meteorology

The Lake Suigetsu sediment cores exemplify a high-quality archive of palaeoclimatic change in East Asia during the past 150 ka. Robust interpretation of stable isotope-based proxy reconstructions from the Suigetsu cores can be aided by a greater understanding of the factors affecting the isotope composition of the lake and how it relates to that of precipitation. Here we use extended contemporary [...]

imc-precip-iso: Open monthly stable isotope data of precipitation over the Indonesian Maritime Continent

Rusmawan Suwarman, Sandy Hardian Susanto Herho, Halda Aditya Belgaman, et al.

Published: 2023-08-12
Subjects: Climate, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Water Resource Management

Stable isotopes, $\delta^2$H, $\delta^{18}$O, and d-excess, are valuable tools as natural tracers of diffusion processes and phase changes in the global hydroclimatological cycle. The Indonesian Maritime Continent (IMC) is an archipelago area surrounded by very warm waters which induce convective activities as the primary heat source driving global atmospheric circulation. Given the central role [...]

Stream Thermalscape Scenarios for British Columbia, Canada

J. Daniel Weller, R.D. (Dan) Moore, Josephine C. Iacarella

Published: 2023-03-21
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology, Natural Resources and Conservation, Water Resource Management

Water temperature is a key feature of freshwater ecosystems but comprehensive datasets are severely lacking, a limiting factor in research and management of freshwater species and habitats. An existing statistical stream temperature model developed for British Columbia, Canada, was refit to predict August mean stream temperatures, a common index of stream thermal regime also used in thermalscapes [...]

From source to sea: Floating macroplastic transport along the Rhine river

Boaz Kuizenga, Paolo Tasseron, Katrin Wendt-Pothoff, et al.

Published: 2023-03-13
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Fresh Water Studies, Other Environmental Sciences

Rivers are pathways and storage zones for plastic pollution. Land-based plastic waste enters river systems through anthropogenic and hydrometeorological processes, after which they are transported and retained. Only a fraction is assumed to make it into the ocean. Understanding and quantifying river plastic transport is important to optimize prevention and reduction strategies, and to evaluate [...]

The Dry Sky: Futures for Humanity’s Modification of the Atmospheric Water Cycle

Patrick W Keys, Lan Wang-Erlandsson, Michele-Lee Moore, et al.

Published: 2022-12-21
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology, Meteorology, Natural Resource Economics, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Nature and Society Relations, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

Humanity is modifying the atmospheric water cycle, via land use, climate change, air pollution, and weather modification. Given the implications of this, we present a theoretical framing of atmospheric water as an economic good. Historically, atmospheric water was tacitly considered a ‘public good’ since it was neither actively consumed (rival) nor controlled (exclusive). However, given [...]

Epitomic Data for Community Land Model Standalone Simulations for Prognostic Analyses of Tropical Mountain Glaciation and Lake Temperature in Pre-Industrial, Last Glacial Maximum, and Extreme Glacial Climates

Nicholas Gray Heavens

Published: 2022-11-15
Subjects: Climate, Fresh Water Studies, Glaciology, Hydrology

Global climate models typically simulate climate at much larger spatial scales than tropical mountain glaciers and many of the world’s lakes. Yet some of the proxy data that can be used to validate models of past climate on land come from and are related to these geographic features. Validating global climate models using these proxies requires some method of downscaling global climate model [...]

Machine learning for understanding inland water quantity, quality, and ecology

Alison Paige Appling, Samantha Kay Oliver, Jordan S. Read, et al.

Published: 2022-09-03
Subjects: Applied Statistics, Fresh Water Studies, Hydrology

This chapter provides an overview of machine learning models and their applications to the science of inland waters. Such models serve a wide range of purposes for science and management: predicting water quality, quantity, or ecological dynamics across space, time, or hypothetical scenarios; vetting and distilling raw data for further modeling or analysis; generating and exploring hypotheses; [...]


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