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Filtering by Subject: Physiology

Canopy structure explains the relationship between photosynthesis and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in crops

Benjamin Dechant, Youngryel Ryu, Grayson Badgley, et al.

Published: 2019-09-30
Subjects: Agricultural Science, Life Sciences, Physiology, Plant Sciences

Remote sensing of far-red sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has emerged as an important tool for studying gross primary productivity (GPP) at the global scale. However, the relationship between SIF and GPP at the canopy scale lacks a clear mechanistic explanation. This is largely due to the poorly characterized role of the relative contributions from canopy structure and leaf physiology [...]

A practical approach for estimating the escape ratio of near-infrared solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence

Yelu Zeng, Grayson Badgley, Benjamin Dechant, et al.

Published: 2019-07-24
Subjects: Life Sciences, Physiology, Plant Sciences

Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has emerged as a leading approach for remote sensing of gross primary productivity (GPP). While SIF has an intrinsic, underlying relationship with canopy light capture and light use efficiency, these physiological relationships are obscured by the fact that satellites observe a small and variable fraction of total emitted canopy SIF. Upon emission, [...]

Terrestrial Gross Primary Production: Using NIRv to Scale from Site to Globe

Grayson Badgley, Leander D. L. Anderegg, Joseph A. Berry, et al.

Published: 2018-07-23
Subjects: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Physiology, Plant Sciences

Terrestrial photosynthesis is the largest and one of the most uncertain fluxes in the global carbon cycle. We find that NIRv, a remotely sensed measure of canopy structure, accurately predicts photosynthesis at FLUXNET validation sites at monthly to annual timescales (R2 = 0.68), without the need for difficult to acquire information about environmental factors that constrain photosynthesis at [...]

Leaf trait acclimation amplifies simulated climate warming in response to elevated carbon dioxide

Marlies Kovenock, Abigail L.S. Swann

Published: 2018-01-10
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physiology, Plant Sciences

Vegetation modifies Earth’s climate by controlling the fluxes of energy, carbon, and water. Of critical importance is a better understanding of how vegetation responses to climate change will feedback on climate. Observations show that plant traits respond to elevated carbon dioxide concentrations. These plant trait acclimations can alter leaf area and thus productivity and surface energy fluxes. [...]

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