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Filtering by Subject: Biochemistry

Bayesian network modelling of phosphorus pollution in agricultural catchments with high-resolution data

Camilla Negri, Per-Erik Mellander, Nicholas Schurch, et al.

Published: 2024-01-11
Subjects: Agriculture, Biochemistry, Environmental Monitoring, Statistical Models

A Bayesian Belief Network was developed to simulate phosphorus (P) loss in an Irish agricultural catchment. Septic tanks and farmyards were included to represent all P sources and assess their effect on model performance. Bayesian priors were defined using daily discharge and turbidity, high-resolution soil P data, expert opinion, and literature. Calibration was done against seven years of daily [...]

Comment on Hodgkins et al. (2018)

Henning Teickner, Klaus-Holger Knorr

Published: 2023-12-07
Subjects: Biochemistry, Other Life Sciences, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Hodgkins et al. (2018) used mid infrared spectra (MIRS) to make inferences about the stability of peat against decomposition along a latitudinal gradient from the tropics to northern latitudes. Recently, we have shown that these spectral prediction models are biased and their predictions more uncertain than considered in Hodgkins et al. (2018) (Teickner and Knorr (2022)). Here, we show what [...]

Contribution of zooplankton nutrient recycling and effects on phytoplankton size structure in a hypereutrophic reservoir

Tyler James Butts, Eric K Moody, Grace Marie Wilkinson

Published: 2022-02-17
Subjects: Biochemistry, Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Other Life Sciences

Consumer nutrient recycling influences aquatic ecosystem functioning by altering the movement and transformation of nutrients. In hypereutrophic reservoirs, zooplankton nutrient recycling has been considered negligible due to high concentrations of available nutrients. A comparative analysis (Moody and Wilkinson, 2019) found that zooplankton communities in hypereutrophic lakes are dominated by [...]

Modeling the Responses of Dissolved Oxygen and Nitrate Concentrations due to Land Use and Land Cover Change Scenarios in a Large Subtropical Reservoir

Carolina Cerqueira Barbosa, Maria do Carmo Calijuri, Phelipe da Silva Anjinho, et al.

Published: 2021-09-15
Subjects: Biochemistry, Environmental Engineering, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology

Itupararanga reservoir is a large reservoir built in the Southeast of Brazil to support multiple uses, mainly hydropower generation and drinking water supply for almost 1 million people. We applied a process-based biogeochemical model and a distributed basin load model to assess the responses of dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations in the Itupararanga reservoir based on three land use and [...]

TIMS analysis of neodymium isotopes in human tooth enamel using 1013 Ω amplifiers

Esther Plomp, Isabella von Holstein, Janne Koornneef, et al.

Published: 2018-11-03
Subjects: Biochemistry, Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Structural Biology, Life Sciences

Human provenance studies employing isotope analysis are essential in archaeological and forensic sciences but current applications provide limited spatial resolution. This study reports on the potential of neodymium isotope composition (143Nd/144Nd) to improve human provenancing capabilities. Human tissues contain very low (<0.1 ppm) neodymium concentrations, such that previous composition [...]

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