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Filtering by Subject: Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Variable impact of wildfire smoke on ecosystem metabolic rates in lakes

Adrianne P Smits, Facundo Scordo, Minmeng Tang, et al.

Published: 2023-11-29
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Increasingly severe wildfires release smoke plumes that cover entire continents, depositing aerosols and reducing solar radiation fluxes to millions of freshwater ecosystems, yet little is known about their impacts on inland waters. This large scale study 1) quantified annual and seasonal trends in the spatial extent of dense smoke cover in California, USA, over the last 18 years (2006 - 2022), [...]

Ecosystem restoration can lead to carbon recovery in semi-arid savanna grasslands in India

Manan Bhan, Chetan Misher, Abhijeet Kulkarni, et al.

Published: 2023-08-10
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Natural Resources and Conservation, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Semi-arid savanna grasslands (SG) in India deliver enormous benefits to people and nature but are currently undergoing large-scale degradation. Soil carbon stocks in degraded SGs vary in response to a host of anthropogenic driving factors including agricultural expansion and industrial development. Although there is increasing support for restoring grasslands by planting native grass species, its [...]

Ecological Flows in Southern Europe: status and trends in non-perennial rivers

Marianna Leone, Francesco Gentile, Antonio Lo Porto, et al.

Published: 2023-05-16
Subjects: Biodiversity, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Studies, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

The concept of environmental flows (E-Flows) describes the streamflow that is necessary to maintain river ecosystems. Although a large number of methods have been developed, a delay was recorded in implementing E–Flows in non-perennial rivers. The general aim of the paper was to analyse the criticalities and the current state of implementation of the E-Flows in non-perennial rivers of southern [...]

Setting an ecological flow regime in a Mediterranean basin with limited data availability: the Locone River case study (S-E Italy)

Marianna Leone, Francesco Gentile, Antonio Lo Porto, et al.

Published: 2023-03-31
Subjects: Environmental Engineering, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

The Environmental Flow regime (E-Flows) was defined as the flow regime necessary to support river ecosystems, which in turn support crops, the economy, sustainable livelihoods, and human well-being. Although a large number of methods for setting an E-Flow regime have been developed, E-Flows science is still an emerging discipline in non-perennial rivers because of the lack of specific guidelines [...]

Plants and Drought in a Changing Climate

Abigail L. S. Swann

Published: 2018-04-23
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Other Earth Sciences, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Purpose of review: Climate is changing in response to rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and it is commonly asserted that this will cause droughts to become more frequent and severe. However, different metrics of drought give diverging estimates of future impacts. I present a summary of the significant yet underappreciated influence that plant stomatal and growth responses to CO2 have on [...]

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