Filtering by Subject: Paleontology
Weakening of AMOC linked to past Greenland Ice Sheet retreat
Published: 2025-03-21
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Paleontology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
A weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is predicted to occur under multiple scenarios of future warming. However, the effect of meltwater from a decaying Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) on AMOC is uncertain. Using a basin-wide network of North Atlantic sediment cores, we show that the largescale melting of the GrIS during a previous interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c [...]
Ediacaran coupling of climate and biosphere dynamics
Published: 2025-03-14
Subjects: Climate, Glaciology, Paleontology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy
Throughout the Phanerozoic (538.8 Ma to present), climate change is demonstrably linked to radiations, extinctions, and turnovers in the biosphere. Here, we show that this connection existed in the late Ediacaran (~579 to 538.8 Ma), the first interval in Earth’s history to host complex macro-organisms, including early metazoans. Current correlations of glacial sedimentary deposits have been used [...]
A comment on the indicator capacity of Artemisia pollen in pre-Holocene paleoecology
Published: 2025-03-07
Subjects: Paleontology
In pre-Holocene paleoecology, Artemisia (Asteraceae) pollen is commonly considered an indicator of arid steppic environments in temperate regions. However, the >520 known species of this genus occur across a wide range of bioclimatic conditions. This paper comments on a recent comprehensive study that examined the identification of Artemisia pollen at the species level in relation to the [...]
Drastic Changes in Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Led to Biological Mass Extinction and Explosion
Published: 2025-03-07
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Paleontology
When the area of polar ice caps expands to a certain threshold, a positive feedback effect will occur. Due to the strong reflection of sunlight by ice and snow, the global climate will become cold and dry. CO₂ in the atmosphere will be rapidly sequestered in the seabed and permafrost through the biological carbon pump, thereby affecting plant photosynthesis, reducing NPP and the nutritional value [...]
Middle Miocene Mediterranean mangroves and potential modern analogs
Published: 2025-02-24
Subjects: Paleontology
During the Miocene Climatic Optimum (MCO; 17–15 Ma), the northern boundary of mangroves – now situated at ~30° N – extended along the northern Mediterranean coasts (~45° N). These Avicennia-only mangroves have been considered impoverished mangroves controlled by the general latitudinal temperature gradient. The MCO Mediterranean mangroves have been compared with the extant Middle East (ME) [...]
The Role of Quaternary Spatiotemporal Gradients and Dynamic Disequilibrium in Shaping Present Neotropical Biotic Patterns
Published: 2025-02-10
Subjects: Paleontology
No abstract available
Where has all the Sinter gone? From the Pink and White Terraces, the Greatest Tourist Attraction of the Southern Hemisphere
Published: 2025-02-01
Subjects: Environmental Studies, Geology, Geomorphology, Other Geography, Paleontology, Physical and Environmental Geography, Spatial Science, Stratigraphy, Volcanology
Debate continues over the silica sinter Pink and White Terraces, the greatest tourist attraction of the southern hemisphere. The 1886 Tarawera eruption may or may not have destroyed them by burial or eruption. This research compiles surviving sinter. The volume is unexpectedly tiny, which bears on the debate. A database was developed including photography. A forensic approach was taken to [...]
A critical evaluation of fossil pollen records from the mangrove tree Pelliciera beyond the Neotropics: biogeographical and evolutionary implications
Published: 2024-12-13
Subjects: Paleontology
Pelliciera is a Neotropical mangrove tree restricted to a small region around the Panama Isthmus. In the past, this taxon was distributed across much of the Neotropics, reaching its maximum extent during the Oligo-Miocene. The occurrence of Pelliciera outside the Neotropics had been debated based on a few fossil pollen records from Africa and Europe, though many of these records have been [...]
Miocene ant-mealybug trophobiosis imaged with X-Ray micro-computed tomography
Published: 2024-10-26
Subjects: Paleobiology, Paleontology, Research Methods in Life Sciences
Amber is a remarkable preserving medium for Mesozoic and Cenozoic terrestrial biotas, but even when transparency is good, available viewing angles can be limited. The technique of X-ray micro-computed tomography allows inspection from any desired viewpoint and facilitates detailed anatomical measurements, avoiding parallax errors. Here, I show the use of this technique to study an extremely rare [...]
Discussion of Košťák et al. (2021), Fossil evidence for vampire squid inhabiting oxygen-depleted ocean zones since at least the Oligocene.
Published: 2024-10-23
Subjects: Geology, Paleontology
Košťák et al. (2021) is important in presenting the first known Cenozoic fossil of a vampyromorph. Some modifications to the interpretations are needed, however. The first concerns inferring water depth habitat of non-benthic animals from fossils found in deep water sediments. The second concerns the water depth estimates for the La Voulte-sur-Rhône exceptionally preserved biota (La Voulte EPB), [...]
deeptime: an R package that facilitates highly customizable visualizations of data over geological time intervals
Published: 2024-10-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Stratigraphy
Data visualization is a key component of any scientific data analysis workflow and is vital for the summarization and dissemination of complex ideas and results. One common hurdle across the Earth Sciences and other scientific fields remains the effective and reproducible visualization of data over long time intervals (104 – 107 years). Here I introduce the R package deeptime, which provides [...]
Taphonomic Controls on a Multi-Element Skeletal Fossil Record
Published: 2024-08-02
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Life Sciences, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology
Animals with multi-element skeletons, including the vertebrates, echinoderms, and arthropods, are some of the most biodiverse and ecologically important animal groups. Understanding the relative impact of the myriad geological and biological factors which impact on the quality of multi-element skeletal fossils is thus crucial for disentangling perceived changes in biodiversity through time and [...]
The potential of terrestrial and aquatic molluscs for the temporal analysis of Deckenschotter deposits and younger Quaternary sediments from the Swiss Plateau
Published: 2024-05-02
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Soil Science, Stratigraphy, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
WITHDRAWN: The potential of terrestrial and aquatic molluscs for the temporal analysis of Deckenschotter deposits and younger Quaternary sediments from the Swiss Plateau
Published: 2024-02-08
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Paleobiology, Paleontology, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy
The Rapa Nui Little Ice Age drought: evidence, potential causes and socioecological impact
Published: 2024-01-11
Subjects: Paleontology, Sedimentology, Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecology
A decade ago, an island-wide drought was proposed to have occurred on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) during the Little Ice Age (LIA). This climatic event was considered to be important for ecological and cultural transformations that occurred on the island during the 16th and 17th centuries. Independent multiproxy paleoecological and paleoclimatic evidence produced in the last years supports the [...]