
Filtering by Subject: Water Resource Management

Rising Temperatures Increase Risk of Soil Salinity and Land Degradation in Water-Scarce Regions

Isaac Kramer, Nadav Peleg, Yair Mau

Published: 2024-10-17
Subjects: Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Soil Science, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

Climate change introduces significant uncertainty when assessing the risk of soil salinity in water-scarce regions. We combine a soil-water-salinity-sodicity model (SOTE) and a weather generator model (AWE-GEN) to develop a framework for studying salinity and sodicity dynamics under changing climate definitions. Using California’s San Joaquin Valley as a case study, we perform first-order [...]

Potential effects of coagulation processes on phytoplankton mortality in the Elbe estuary from a Lagrangian point of view

Laurin Steidle, Johannes Pein, Adrian Burd, et al.

Published: 2024-10-17
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Environmental Health and Protection, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Oceanography, Water Resource Management

Within the Elbe estuary, a sudden change in depth occurs when the river enters the shipping channel in the Port of Hamburg. This change in depth correlates with a sharp decline in phytoplankton concentrations. This decline affects the estuarine food web and shifts the ecosystem from autotrophic to heterotrophic during the summer months. Previous studies have hypothesized that this collapse is [...]

Prediction of the daily spatial variation of stem water potential in cherry orchards using weather and Sentinel-2 data

Francisco Zambrano, Abel Herrera, Mauricio Olguín, et al.

Published: 2024-10-11
Subjects: Environmental Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Water Resource Management

Irrigation management is critical for orchard production and plays a key role when there is water scarcity. Climate change is changing global precipitation and temperature patterns, causing more frequent and intense drought periods in some parts of the world. Thus, there is a challenge to optimizing water use efficiency. The common practice for irrigation management is to apply the water lost by [...]

The extended Global Lake area, Climate, and Population (GLCP) dataset: Extending the GLCP to include ice, snow, and radiation-related climate variables

Michael Frederick Meyer, Salvatore G.P. Virdis, Xiao Yang, et al.

Published: 2024-08-27
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Natural Resource Economics, Natural Resources and Conservation, Other Environmental Sciences, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

A changing climate and increasing human population necessitate understanding global freshwater availability. To enable assessment of lake water variability from local-to-global and monthly-to-decadal scales, we extended the Global Lake area, Climate, and Population (GLCP) dataset, which contains monthly lake surface area for 1.42 million lakes with paired basin-level climate and population data [...]

On weighted ensembles of streamflow: bias correct separately and prefer constrained weights for more reliable and predictable outputs

Marko Kallio

Published: 2024-08-23
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Hydrology, Statistical Models, Water Resource Management

It has become more and more common in hydrology to consider multiple estimates of hydrological variables – ensembles – over single model runs. Ensemble members represent different realisations of various model structures, input data, and/or parametrisations. Improved predictions can be made using weighted ensembles with wide variety of model averaging methods found in the literature, but only a [...]

Lidar-based snow monitoring: cable car deployment in the Austrian Alps

Berin Dikic, Thomas Goelles, Christoph Gaisberbger, et al.

Published: 2024-06-26
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Fresh Water Studies, Water Resource Management

Traditional methods for surveying the spatial and temporal distribution of snow are often time-consuming, costly, and potentially hazardous. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach utilizing a newly developed sensor system based on cost-effective industrial lidar sensors. This system is designed to be mounted on cable cars, enabling continuous envi- ronmental scanning during [...]

Detecting methane emissions from palm oil mills with airborne and spaceborne imaging spectrometers

Adriana Valverde, Javier Roger, Javier Gorroño, et al.

Published: 2024-06-21
Subjects: Climate, Environmental Monitoring, Water Resource Management

Methane (CH4) emissions from human activities are a major cause of global warming, necessitating effective mitigation strategies. In particular, the palm oil industry generates palm oil mill effluent (POME), which continuously emits methane into the atmosphere. Satellites are becoming a powerful tool to detect and quantify methane emissions, but there is no evidence of their ability to monitor [...]

Shifts in water supply and demand drive land cover change across Chile

Francisco Zambrano, Anton Vrieling, Francisco Meza, et al.

Published: 2024-06-19
Subjects: Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Natural Resources and Conservation, Water Resource Management

Globally, droughts are becoming longer, more frequent and more severe, and their impacts are multidimensional. The impacts of droughts typically extend beyond the water balance as they accumulate over time, and can lead to regime shifts in land use. Here, we assess the effects of temporal changes in water supply and demand on vegetation productivity and land cover change over multiple time scales [...]

Exploring coastal climate adaptation through storylines: Insights from Cyclone Idai in Beira, Mozambique

Henrique Moreno Dumont Goulart, Karin van der Wiel, Bart van den Hurk, et al.

Published: 2024-06-11
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Earth Sciences, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Hydraulic Engineering, Hydrology, Meteorology, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Water Resource Management

Coastal settlements, facing increasing flood risk from Tropical Cyclones (TCs) under climate change, need local and detailed climate information for effective adaptation. Analysis of historical events and their impacts provides such information. This study uses storylines to evaluate adaptation strategies, focusing on Cyclone Idai’s impact on Beira, Mozambique, under different climate [...]

HarvestGRID: High-resolution harvested crop areas of the United States from 1981 to 2019

Gambhir Lamsal, Landon Marston

Published: 2024-05-29
Subjects: Agriculture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Engineering, Life Sciences, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

The United States is a major producer and exporter of agricultural goods, fulfilling global demands for food, fiber, and fuel while generating substantial economic benefits. Agriculture in the U.S. not only dominates land use but also ranks as the largest water-consuming sector. High-resolution cropland mapping and insights into cultivation trends are essential to enhance sustainable management [...]

Local water year values for the conterminous United States

Xinyu Sun, Kendra Spence Cheruvelil

Published: 2024-05-25
Subjects: Fresh Water Studies, Water Resource Management

Quantifying and predicting precipitation and its influence on ecosystems is challenged by the asynchrony between precipitation and water fluxes. To account for this asynchrony, scientists and managers use “water year” to estimate precipitation and its impacts on water flow and ecosystems. However, traditional water year definitions either do not consider areal variation in climate and hydrology [...]

Rising temperatures drive lower summer minimum flows across hydrologically diverse catchments

Sacha W Ruzzante, Tom Gleeson

Published: 2024-05-25
Subjects: Hydrology, Water Resource Management

Excessively low stream flows harm ecosystems and societies, so two key goals of low-flow hydrology are to understand their drivers and to predict their severity and frequency. We show that simple linear regressions can accomplish both goals across diverse catchments. We analyse 230 unregulated moderate to high relief catchments across rainfall-dominated, hybrid, snowmelt-dominated, and glacial [...]

Limited role of discharge in global river plastic transport

Caspar Roebroek, Adriaan J Teuling, Martine van der Ploeg, et al.

Published: 2024-04-23
Subjects: Hydrology, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

River plastic transport has been assumed to be driven by river discharge, although observational data does often not support this. We propose a new perspective that describes plastic transport as function of plastic availability and transport capacity. Plastic transport is under most circumstances driven by plastic availability, which is largely disconnected from river discharge. However, when [...]

Wastewaters co-produced with shale gas drive slight regional salinization of groundwater

Samuel Shaheen, Tao Wen, Zhong Zheng, et al.

Published: 2024-04-04
Subjects: Geochemistry, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Water Resource Management

While unconventional oil and gas (UOG) development is changing the world economy, processes that are used during UOG development such as high-volume hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”) have been linked with water contamination. Water quality risks include leaks of gas and salty fluids (brines) that are co-produced at wellpads. Identifying the cause of contamination is difficult, however, because [...]

Estimating irrigation water use from remotely sensed evapotranspiration data: Accuracy and uncertainties at field, water right, and regional scales

Sam Zipper, Jude Kastens, Timothy Foster, et al.

Published: 2024-02-29
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Sustainability, Water Resource Management

Irrigated agriculture is the dominant user of water globally, but most water withdrawals are not monitored or reported. As a result, it is largely unknown when, where, and how much water is used for irrigation. Here, we evaluated the ability of remotely sensed evapotranspiration (ET) data, integrated with other datasets, to calculate irrigation water withdrawals and applications in an intensively [...]


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