Multi-scale hydro-morphodynamic modelling using mesh movement methods.

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Mariana C A Clare , Joseph Gregory Wallwork , Stephan C Kramer, Hilary Weller, Colin J Cotter, Matthew Piggott


Hydro-morphodynamic models are an important tool that can be used in the protection of coastal zones. They can be required to resolve spatial scales ranging from sub-metre to hundreds of kilometres and are computationally expensive. In this work, we apply mesh movement methods to a depth-averaged hydro-morphodynamic model for the first time, in order to tackle both these issues. Mesh movement methods are particularly suited to coastal problems as they allow the mesh to move in response to evolving flow and morphology structures. This new capability is demonstrated using test cases that exhibit complex evolving bathymetries. Some of these test cases require the use of a wetting-and-drying scheme which is known to leak sediment. To ensure sediment is conserved with this scheme, a new conservative sediment transport model is implemented. For all test cases, we demonstrate how mesh movement methods can be used to reduce discretisation error and computational cost. We also show that the optimal parameter choices in the mesh movement monitor functions are fairly predictable based upon the physical characteristics of the test case, facilitating the use of mesh movement methods on further problems.



Applied Mathematics, Geomorphology, Mathematics, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Partial Differential Equations


sediment transport, morphology, mesh movement


Published: 2020-10-22 13:26

Last Updated: 2021-07-09 20:13

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