Automatic microseismic stacking location with a multi-cross-correlation imaging condition

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Congcong Yuan , Wei Zhang, Jie Zhang


Source scanning algorithm (SSA) has been recognized as a valid technique to automatically detect and locate passive seismic events. The imaging condition of this algorithm is the linear stack of the amplitudes along the traveltime curve from trial locations. However, the linear stacking condition may cause the location uncertainty due to the polarity reversal and low signal-to-noise ratio of the recorded waveforms. To alleviate these uncertainties, under the assumption of dense survey geometry on the surface, we introduce the cross-correlation condition and further propose a new condition named as multi-cross-correlation, which is implemented by accumulatively multiplying the amplitude on each receiver or receiver group. In the analysis of the comparisons with the linear condition, both cross-correlation and multi-cross-correlation conditions are effective to avoid the location uncertainties resulting from the polarity reversal, and the multi-cross-correlation is the most robust and effective to suppress the noise and reduce the location uncertainties among these conditions. However, same to linear condition, other two conditions are also sensitive to the velocity uncertainty at the depth of event location. Field data example suggests that cross-correlation and multi-cross-correlation conditions would produce more reasonable location results than linear condition does.



Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Cross-correlation, Source stacking algorithm, Multi-cross-correlation, Passive seismic location


Published: 2020-12-31 09:25

Last Updated: 2020-12-31 17:25


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