A database of submarine landslides offshore West and Southwest Iberia

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Davide Gamboa , Rachid Omira , Pedro Terrinha 


Submarine landslides are major geohazards occurring on distinct seabed domains ranging from shallow coastal areas to the deeper points of the ocean. The nature and relief of the seabed are key factors influencing the location and size of submarine landslides. Efforts have recently been made to compile databases of submarine landslide distribution and morphometry, a crucial task to assess submarine geohazards. The MAGICLAND (Marine Geo-hazards Induced by underwater Landslides in the SW Iberian Margin) database here presented contributed to that assessment offshore Portugal. Based on EMODnet bathymetric DEMs and GIS analysis, the morphometric properties of 1552 submarine landslides were analysed and wealth of 40 parameters was obtained. This dataset is now made available for the free use and benefit of the international marine community. Further contributions or analysis based on, and complementing the MAGICLAND database will be welcome.




Earth Sciences, Geology


submarine landslides, Southwest Iberian Margin


Published: 2021-02-22 09:18

Last Updated: 2021-02-22 09:18


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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