Tectonic Studies Group Equality Diversity and Inclusion report 2021

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Zoe K Mildon , Dave McCarthy, Christopher McMahon , Ken McCaffrey


In 2021, the TSG Annual Meeting was held online due to the coronavirus pandemic. To build on our 2019 gender diversity report, we wanted to begin gathering diversity data proactively and anonymously. This will enable us to be more inclusive of marginalised genders, avoid mis-gendering participants and to collect a wider range of diversity data. We ran a survey of the presenters and session chairs in March 2021, using Google Forms. The data in this report is based on the 73 out of 115 (63% response rate) responses we received, therefore the data presented here is not a complete picture.

The survey was designed to specifically gather data on gender (i.e. man/woman/non-binary), and not sex (i.e. male/female/intersex). This survey also collected data on career stage, sexuality, disability, ethnicity and geography – these identities are experience intersectionally, but we present only independent responses to avoid identifying individuals in our community.

We also look back at the recommendations made in the 2019 report to determine whether there has been progress and suggest recommendations for future TSG conferences and organisers.




Earth Sciences, Geology, Tectonics and Structure


Equality diversity and inclusion, minorities in science


Published: 2021-05-28 01:47

Last Updated: 2021-06-01 12:17

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CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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The data collected is anonymous self-identified diversity data. It would not be appropriate to release the detailed data as it may be possible to identify individuals.