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Oxygen fugacity (fO2) is a fundamental variable in igneous petrology with utility as a potential tracer of recycled surficial materials in the sources of mantle-derived lavas. It has been postulated that ocean island basalts (OIB) have elevated fO2 relative to mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) owing to more oxidized source regions. To clarify this issue, trace-element systematics of olivine grains are reported from OIB lavas with HIMU (high-; Mangaia, Canary Islands), enriched mantle (EM; Samoa; São Miguel, Azores Islands) and depleted MORB mantle (DMM; Pico, Azores) Sr-Nd-Pb-Os isotopic signatures, to constrain the fO2 of each magmatic system. Despite sampling distinct mantle reservoirs based on radiogenic isotope systematics, these OIB suites show similar fO2, ranging from +1.5 to +2.9 FMQ, with an average of 2.0 ± 0.7 FMQ, significantly higher than MORB at +0.6 ± 0.2 FMQ using the same oxybarometer. OIBs show no correlation between fO2 and bulk rock isotopic ratios or parental magma compositions. The lack of correlations with isotopic signatures likely results from radiogenic isotope signatures being hosted in volumetrically minor trace element enriched mantle lithologies, while fO2 reflects the volumetrically dominant mantle component. Higher fO2 in OIB relative to MORB implies a uniformly oxidizing plume source mantle that may be the result of either a common oxidized oceanic crust-rich reservoir parental to all modern plume lavas, or preservation of un-degassed and oxidized mantle domains formed early in Earth history.
Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology
Oxygen Fugacity, OIB
Published: 2021-08-31 14:38
Last Updated: 2021-08-31 21:38
CC BY Attribution 4.0 International
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