New insight on tide-dominated estuary and delta in the Eocene-Miocene Mrayt Group, North-Western Rif, Morocco

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choukri chacrone, Hamoumi Naima, Silvia Spezzaferri


The sedimentary deposits of Eocene-Miocene Mrayt Group, North-Western Rif, Morocco has been the subject of controversy by previous worksregarding their depositional environments. Detailed sedimentological study based on petrographic study, and sedimentary facies and paleocurrent measurements analysis, leads to several results and new insights.
Petrographic study provided the first evidence of mixed siliciclastic and carbonate sediments and their nomenclature:silty micrites, micritic siltstones, micritic sandstones, sandy micrite, and allochemic sandstones, as well as the nature of the sedimentsources and their geological context.
Twenty two sedimentary facies that have never been described before are identified, and based on their succession and associationa new interpretation of depositional processes and depositional systems are proposed. The paleoenvironments of the Mrayt Group are interpreted as littoral andshallow marine settings: tides- dominated estuary, tides-dominated delta systems and open coast tidal flat, under complex hydrodynamics strongly influenced by river discharge, tidal currents, waves and storms action.
Sedimentation occurred in “the Maghrebian basin” under the interplay of:i) tectonics relatedto the Cenozoic collision of the African and Eurasian continental plates, ii) Cenozoic alternation of warm climate and cooling due to the increasing influence of Antarctica glaciation, iii) sediments supplies induced by rejuvenation of sedimentary sourcesandiv)sea level fluctuation related to the advance and retreat of ice-sheet on Antarctica.



Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Tide dominated delta, mixed siciliciclastic/carbonate sediment, Mrayt Group, NW Rif, Morocco, Eocene –Miocene


Published: 2021-10-06 00:26

Last Updated: 2021-10-16 22:34

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