Ageostrophic contribution by the wind and waves induced flow to the lateral stirring in the Mediterranean Sea

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Verónica Morales, Ismael Henández-Carrasco, Baylor Fox-Kemper, Alejandro Orfila


We study the impact of the Ekman currents and Stokes drift on the horizontal mixing and transport properties of the Mediterranean Sea. FSLE at the ocean surface are computed over the whole basin using 25 years of satellite altimetry derived geostrophic currents, 10-m wind velocity and wave fields. We find that the transport pathways unveiled by the geostrophic Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCS) are significantly modified by the ageostrophic currents (i.e. Ekman and Stokes induced velocities), often leading to a decrease of the retention capacity of the eddies. An exhaustive assessment of the regional dependence and temporal variability of the FSLE shows an increase of the horizontal mixing activity, due to the ageostrophic component, up to 37% in regions such as the Gulf of Lion or the Aegean Sea, during the seasons where wind and waves are intense and persistent. Positive trends in the total FSLE (up to 1.2% of the value of FSLE per year in some regions) suggest that Mediterranean Sea has experienced a significant increase in mixing activity over the last decades. Ageostrophic features are considered to play a role in determining the properties of the relative dispersion. Through the analysis of the Lagrangian Anisotropy Index (LAI) using virtual and real pair of drifters, we observe that the particle dispersion is mainly dominated by the zonal flow, and that the ageostrophic currents induce meridional dispersion, particularly in regions where wind and wave are intensified.



Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Geostrophy, Ekman, Stokes, mesoscale, Mediterranean Sea


Published: 2022-02-11 16:46


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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