Plant Breeding Biomolecular Classification in Quantum Bayesianism (QBism) Physics-Informed Neural Network Architecture

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Comment #183 Karriem A.J. Perry @ 2024-10-23 06:56

This preprint manuscript has been peer-reviewed and is published in the Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research(JGEBR).

Citation: Keary, B. S., Perry, K. A. J. (2024). Plant Breeding Biomolecular Classification in Quantum Bayesianism (QBism)
Physics-Informed Neural Network Architecture. J Gene Engg Bio Res, 6(3), 01-03.

DOI: 10.33140/JGEBR


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Karriem A.J. Perry, Barbara S Keary


In this brief communication, biomolecular plant breeding multi-classification inference is discussed when leveraging the advantages of Physics-informed Neural Network (PiNN) architecture. Albeit, the expected utility of Partial Differential Equation (PDE) inspired neural networks resides in its performance under limited data availability; a variety of neural network configurations result from PDE inspired machine learning models. Having less emphasis on the theoretical outcomes of the PiNN while paying particular attention to the performance of the model prior to convergence. Biotechnology stands to experience myriad benefits as both plant science and machine learning evolve and cross-pollinate.



Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Climate, Other Statistics and Probability, Plant Sciences, Probability, Quantum Physics, Research Methods in Life Sciences, Soil Science, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, Sustainability, Systems Biology


Plant science | quantum machine learning | partial differential equations | Qbism | Biomolecular, plant science, biomolecular, quantum bayesianism, Partial differential equations


Published: 2022-08-31 20:56

Last Updated: 2023-03-13 17:03

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CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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