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PubDAS: a PUBlic Distributed Acoustic Sensing datasets repository for geosciences

PubDAS: a PUBlic Distributed Acoustic Sensing datasets repository for geosciences

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Zack J. Spica, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Greg Beroza, Biondo Biondi, Feng Cheng, Beatriz Gaite, Bin Luo, Eileen Martin, Junzhu Shen, Clifford Thurber, Loïc Viens, Herbert Wang, Andreas Wuestefeld, Han Xiao, Tieyuan Zhu


During the past few years, Distributing Acoustic Sensing (DAS) has become an invaluable tool for recording high-fidelity seismic wavefields with great spatiotemporal resolutions. However, the considerable amount of data generated during DAS experiments limits their distribution with the broader scientific community. Such a bottleneck inherently slows down the pursuit of new scientific discoveries in geosciences. Here, we introduce PubDAS, the first large-scale open-source repository where several DAS datasets from multiple experiments are publicly shared. PubDAS currently hosts eight datasets covering a variety of geological settings (e.g., urban centers, underground mine, seafloor), spanning from several days to several years, offering both continuous and triggered active source recordings, and totalling up to ~90 Tb of data. This manuscript describes these datasets, their metadata, and how to access and download them. Some of these datasets have only been shallowly explored, leaving the door open for new discoveries in Earth sciences and beyond.



Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology


seismic, open data, repository, fiber optic sensing, Distributed acoustic sensing


Published: 2022-09-07 02:24

Last Updated: 2022-09-07 09:24


CC0 1.0 Universal - Public Domain Dedication

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Data Availability (Reason not available):
This paper outlines the process to access a large collection of open data via Globus protocols