A sedimentological approach for classifying sub-surface mine wastes: implications for shallow  mine geothermal energy

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Billy Andrews, Zoe Adele Cumberpatch, Zoe K Shipton, Richard Lord


Following sub-surface coal extraction, workings become flooded and represent a potential aquifer for shallow geothermal development projects. We investigate the internal structure of collapsed mine workings in surface exposures of pillar and stall mine workings exposed through coastal erosion at Whitley Bay, NE England, UK. These workings collapsed in stages, leaving a clay-rich anthropogenic sedimentary layer consisting of collapse breccias and muds that gradually reduce the permeability of the system. Our data suggests workings do not collapse as individual events and that sections near pillars may remain open to flow for years after the rest of the workings have collapsed.




Engineering, Mining Engineering


coal, Collapse, Geothermal energy, Mining, Net Zero, Pillar and Stall


Published: 2020-03-19 19:43

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