Sedimentologika: a community-driven diamond open access journal in sedimentology

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Camille Thomas , Aurelia Marie-Luce Privat, Romain Vaucher , Yvonne Spychala, Valentin Zuchuat, Miquel Poyatos-Moré, Marta Marchegiano, Ian Kane, Domenico Chiarella 


Sedimentologika is a community-driven Diamond Open Access (DOA) scientific journal for the publication of work in the broad area of sedimentology and stratigraphy. The journal aims to provide the academic community and society a platform guaranteeing permanent free publication and free access to peer-reviewed scientific studies focusing on all types of sedimentary processes, deposits, and environments across all spatial and temporal scales, on Earth or any other planetary body. Sedimentologika is part of an ongoing broader DOA movement in geosciences aspiring freedom from the financial barriers and pressures of private publishing houses, to provide direct and equal access to science for all citizens, scientists, and institutions worldwide. The published material will include research, review, methods and opinion articles, which will be free to share, as the authors will naturally retain the copyright. The manuscripts will be written in English and authors can attach a second abstract to each submission in the language of their choice, further allowing local communities, students, or decisional bodies to access, at least, a summary of the latest research in a language they understand. This journal is defined by Open Science principles to promote ethical dissemination and accessibility of science and knowledge, following high equity, diversity and inclusion standards. Sedimentologika emerged as a solution for the scientific community to sidestep structural inequality of the currently financially unsustainable academic publishing system and to commit to bibliodiversity. Our objective is to ensure that scientific findings remain accessible to all in order to keep advancing research and informing society on how we understand sedimentology and stratigraphy in the world around us. Sedimentologika is driven by the academic and scientific community for the community and society, promoting self-governance and adapting to the needs expressed by the community.



Earth Sciences, Library and Information Science, Sedimentology


Equity, publishing, reviewing, article, open science, sedimentary science


Published: 2022-10-23 14:34

Last Updated: 2022-10-23 21:34


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

Additional Metadata

Conflict of interest statement:
The authors of the article are the founders of the journal Sedimentologika

Data Availability (Reason not available):
All data in the manuscript.