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Laboratory validation of a new hydro-mechanical energy-based brittleness index model for hydraulic fracturing

Laboratory validation of a new hydro-mechanical energy-based brittleness index model for hydraulic fracturing

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Runhua Feng, Joel Sarout, Jeremie Dautriat, Yousef Ghuwainima, Reza Rezaee, Mohammad Sarmadivaleh


Brittleness Index (BI) is a critical parameter characterising the deformation regime of geo-materials, covering the range from purely brittle (fractures) to ductile (plastic flow). A variety of BI models have been developed based on rock properties such as mineralogy, elastic parameters, or stress-strain data. However, very few of them are based on the deformation induced by hydro-mechanical interactions emerging in a wide range of underground engineering applications. In this study, we develop a BI model based on the partitioning of the injection energy EI into non-seismic deformation energy Ed associated with hydraulic fracture propagation. To calculate the Ed, we apply a model for temporal fracturing area (Ad) within the penny-shaped fracture; we also correlate the wellbore pressure and the three-dimensional strain induced by hydraulic fracturing of the different types of rock samples subjected to true triaxial stress conditions (TTSC), either σv = 6.5 MPa, σH = 3 MPa, σh = 1.5 MPa or σv = 15 MPa, σH = 10 MPa, σh = 5 MPa for all tests. As a comparison, the BI is also quantified based on the existing models: (i) acoustic measurement from Rickman et al (2008), and (ii) the Mohr-Coulomb’s criteria from Papanastasiou et al (2016). The non-seismic deformation energy Ed ranges between 32.4% and 90.6% of the total injection energy EI, which is slightly higher than reported from field-scale data (15% to 80%), and is comparable to other laboratory-derived data (18% to 94%). The results show that the predictions based on our newly proposed hydro-mechanical energy-based BI model are qualitatively consistent with Papanastasiou et al.’s, but less so with Rickman et al.’s. Our BI model is shown to be stress-dependent and capable of capturing the brittle-to-ductile behaviour within a wide range of rheological samples subjected to hydraulic fracturing. This study demonstrates that our BI model opens a new way for quantifying the brittleness index regarding to realistic propagation scenarios, showing its superior robustness for such underground applications.



Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Engineering Science and Materials, Mining Engineering, Oil, Gas, and Energy, Petroleum Engineering


Brittleness index model;, Hydraulic fracturing;, Hydro-mechanical deformation energy;, Temporal fracturing area;, Three-dimensional strain


Published: 2022-12-01 16:46

Last Updated: 2022-12-02 00:46


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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The authors declare that they have no known competing interest