Who are the hyper prolific authors in environmental  sciences?

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Akira Abduh 


Hyper prolific scientists are individuals who produce an exceptionally large number of scientific papers, often at a rate that is much higher than their peers. While productivity is generally a positive attribute in the scientific community, hyper prolific scientists may raise concerns about the quality and impact of their research. It is important to carefully evaluate the work of hyper prolific scientists to be mindful of the potential risks and negative consequences of producing an excessively large number of papers. Therefore this paper investigates hyper prolific authors in environmental sciences using bibliometric data from 2013-2021 to identify and characterize their patterns. The results reveal some hyper prolific authors that publish, on average, 50-100 papers per year. A network analysis further uncovers a close-connected network of scientists who gain an incredible number of highly cited papers. It is concluded that the scientific community has the need to establish ethical guidelines and practices on the number of publications to ensure that publishing a paper is conducted with integrity and that personal interests do not compromise the pursuit of knowledge.




Environmental Studies, Library and Information Science, Research Methods in Life Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences


citation network, Citation analysis, impact fator


Published: 2023-01-01 19:24

Last Updated: 2023-01-02 03:23


CC-BY Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0 International

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Data from web of science