Numerical simulation of meteorite impact on basaltic lavas at Lonar Crater, India

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Harshal Pohekar, Raymond Duraiswami, Satadru bhattacharya, A. S. Arya, Bhalchandra Pujari 


Lonar lake is a hypervelocity impact crater formed in a basaltic
terrain of Deccan Traps in the state of Maharashtra, India. The crater
has an approximate radius of 915 m and an average depth of about 137 m.
Here we report the results of our numerical investigations aimed to
elucidate the physical characteristics of incoming asteroid. For
realistic simulation, we not only consider basalt but also basalt with
granite basin as the surface of impact. Because most of the
characteristics of impactors are unknown we sample the phase space of
physics characters and determine the possible bounds of its properties.
Among the handful of potential candidates, we believe the incoming
asteroid was an iron-rich body of about 52m in radius hitting the
surface at 60km/s. Our analysis also shows that the impact created a
transient crater of 414m in depth leaving underlying granite basin more
or less intact.



Applied Mathematics, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Planetary Sciences



Published: 2023-01-28 01:44


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