Mitigating risk of exceeding environmental limits  requires ambitious food system interventions

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Michalis Hadjikakou , Nicholas Bowles, Ozge Geyik, Sjaak Conijn, Jose Mogollon, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Adrian Muller, Isabelle Weindl, Enayat A. Moallemi , M. Abdullah Shaikh, Kerstin Damerau, Kyle Frankel Davis, Stephan Pfister, Marco Springmann, Michael Clark, Genevieve Metson, Elin Röös, Bojana Bajzelj, Neal Graham, Dominik Wisser, Jonathan Doelman , Michaela Theurl, Prajal Pradhan, Miodrag Stevanovic, Christian Lauk, Jinfeng Chang, Vera Heck, Ertug Ercin, Liqing Peng, Nathaniel Springer, Lex Bouwman, Tiago Morais, Hugo Valin, Daniel Mason D'Croz, Karl-Heinz Erb, Alexander Popp, Mario Herrero, Patrice Dumas, Xin Zhang, Timothy Searchinger, Brett A. Bryan


Transforming the global food system is necessary to avoid exceeding planetary boundaries. A robust evidence base is crucial to assess the scale and combination of interventions required for a sustainable transformation. We developed a risk assessment framework, underpinned by a meta-regression of 60 global food system modeling studies, to quantify the potential of individual and combined interventions to mitigate the risk of exceeding the boundaries for land-system change, freshwater use, climate change, and biogeochemical flows by 2050. Limiting the risk of exceedance across four key planetary boundaries requires a high but plausible level of ambition in all demand-side (diet, population, waste) and most supply-side interventions. Attaining the required level of ambition for all interventions relies on embracing synergistic actions across the food system.



Agriculture, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Natural Resources and Conservation, Natural Resources Management and Policy, Sustainability


food systems, planetary boundaries, sustainability assessment


Published: 2023-04-05 17:05


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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