Exponential life-threatening rise of the global temperature

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Markus Noll


Global temperatures are rising. This paper demonstrates for the first time that the global temperature increase has not been linear but is exponential with a doubling time of about 25 years. Both the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the combustion of fossil fuels and the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have also risen exponentially, with a similar doubling time. The exponential trajectories of rising global temperature, carbon dioxide emission, and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration support the idea that all three are entirely man-made. This analysis shows that during the past 70 years, the increasing use of fossil fuels results more from human activities than population growth, and that reducing the use of fossil fuels by 7.6% each year, the “7.6%-scenario”, can prevent annual global temperatures from surpassing pre-industrial temperatures by 1.6°C, a critical threshold to sustaining life on Earth.




Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Nature and Society Relations


atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, anthropogenic CO2 emissions, climate tipping points, consumerism vs. population growth


Published: 2023-05-23 13:39

Last Updated: 2023-05-23 20:39


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Data Availability (Reason not available):
https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/graphs_v4/ ; https://www.sealevel.info/co2_and_ch4.html ; https://cdiac.ess-dive.lbl.gov/ftp/ndp030/global.1751_2014.ems ; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:World-Population-Growth-1750-2100.png