Eddy-mean flow interaction with a Multiple Scale Quasi Geostrophic model

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Bruno Deremble , Такая Учида , William K Dewar, Roger M Samelson 


Parameterization of mesoscale eddies in coarse resolution ocean models are necessary to include the effect of eddies on the large-scale oceanic circulation. We propose to use a multiple-scale quasi geostrophic model to capture the eddy dynamics that develop in response to a prescribe large-scale flow. The multiple scale quasi geostrophic model consists in extending the traditional quasi geostrophic dynamics to include the effects of a variable Coriolis parameter and variable background stratification. Solutions to this multiple-scale quasi-geostrophic equation are computed numerically and compared to a full primitive equation model. The large-scale flow field permits baroclinically unstable quasi-geostrophic waves to grow. These instabilities saturate due to non-linearities and a filtering method is applied to remove large-scale structures that develop due to the upscale cascade. The resulting eddy field represents a dynamically consistent response to the prescribed background flow, and can be used to rectify the large-scale dynamics. Comparisons between Gent-McWilliams eddy parameterization and the present solutions show large regions of agreement, while also indicating areas where the eddies feed back onto the large scale in a manner that the Gent-McWilliams parameterization cannot capture. Also of interest is the time variability of the eddy feedback which can be used to build stochastic eddy parameterizations.




Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Ocean modeling, eddy parametrization, Quasi geostrophy, mesoscale, Super parametrization, Eddy-mean flow interaction


Published: 2023-06-19 18:49

Last Updated: 2023-09-23 00:23

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