Field Report No. 3 - Tabor Tree Project Summary Report 2021

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candace gossen 


“The Friends of Mt. Tabor Park (FMTP) was organized as a non-profit group* in 2000. Our pur- pose is to improve and help maintain Mt. Tabor Park for the benefit of individuals, organizations and the Park Bureau; to identify and help solve problems; and to participate in park planning projects.”(FMTP) During the winter of 2021 with covid closures of the Visitor Center, Tree Medicine hikes were offered al- most daily and quickly added more than 400+ hiking participants learning about the trees, trails and ecology of the park. By April 2021, our collective of Citizen Scientists had already gathered data on more than 150 trees using the NASA Globe Observer App. Focusing this work into a year long proposal, we were awarded a $1000 Mazama Conservation Grant to offer four focused training workshops and pur- chase a field iPad to maintain the data collection information of this continuing Tabor Tree Project. In the Fall of 2021, four very successful training workshops were held at the Visitor Center adding another 50 citizen scientists which continue to add information into the growing knowledge of Mt. Tabor Park. Three Field Reports have been published in 2021 with the collected data. In summary, at the end of April 2022, the participants have added more than 600 trees of great diversity into the NASA global database with additional data on temperature, moisture and soil health expanding into a full ecological study in the newly forming Mt. Tabor Nature Education Center. Thanks to the help of the Mazamas, we have also planted a Moon Tree within the canopy of Mt. Tabor and it has begun to bud and grow amongst the great diverse old-growth forest.



Adult and Continuing Education, Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Studies, Outdoor Education, Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Mt tabor, friends of mt tabor, ecology, trees, Citizen Scientists, old growth, Medicine, Portland, Oregon


Published: 2023-10-10 15:10


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International