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The development of the infrared photoluminescence (IRPL) signal enables the direct non-destructive probing of the trapped electron population in feldspars. Whilst IRPL offers new perspectives for luminescence dating, it also enables detailed, site-selective measurements of the dosimetric defects emitting IRPL at 880 nm (IRPL880) and 955 nm (IRPL955), allowing improved understanding of luminescence phenomena in feldspars.
We perform time-resolved IRPL measurements to investigate the excited state lifetimes of IRPL880 and IRPL955 electron trapping centres in chemically and structurally different feldspars. We analyse the time-resolved off-time data with three exponentially decaying components. The contribution of the fast component (τ1) fitted to the IRPL880 data is minor and its lifetime is consistent with the switch off time of the 830 nm excitation laser. The two longer lifetimes (τ2 and τ3) dominate the IRPL880 and IRPL955 signals.. The τ2 values range from 2 µs to 6 µs for IRPL880 and from 2 µs to 7 µs for IRPL955, whereas τ3 ranges from 7 µs to 25 µs for IRPL880 and from 8 µs to 22 µs for IRPL955, with an average cluster value of ~20 µs. We observe a weak decreasing trend in τ3 lifetime with decreasing K-feldspar content. Systematic thermal depletion of the trapped electron population results in decreasing τ2 lifetimes with increasing preheat temperature, but a negligible change in τ3. We suggest that time-resolved-IRPL lifetimes not only reflect the exited state lifetime of the electron trapping centre, affected by excited-to-ground state transition as well as tunnelling, but also a direct recombination from the band tail states. The long excited-state lifetime of the order of 20 ~ µs (the average cluster value) allows for tunnelling induced recombination from the excited state, which is supported by the fact that reported lifetimes for time-resolved-IRSL (infra-red stimulated luminescence) are shorter than those of time-resolved-IRPL.
Earth Sciences, Mineral Physics, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics
Feldspars, Photoluminescence, Time-resolved luminescence, IRPL, lifetime, Feldspar
Published: 2023-11-02 04:12
Last Updated: 2024-03-05 07:51
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CC BY Attribution 4.0 International
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