Sustainable Living Unveiled: A Comprehensive Review of Key Studies on Zero Energy Homes

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Alexis Sue White, Shaylee Grace Zimmerman, Timothy Alan Gurney, Ruby Ortega Guzman, Jackson Marvel Branum, Michael Joseph Cleland, Rebecca Nalani Jasso, Yoel Nega, Lillian Grace Adams, Angela Lee Yates, Megha Raghuram Suswaram, Daniel Stephen Follett, Zachary Westhoff


The journey to achieve Net Zero Energy in residential areas has progressed slowly. However, in recent times, the research behind accessing Net Zero has become more consistent. This paper discusses the steps to be taken in terms of technology, energy consumption, and energy efficiency to reach the goal of Net Zero. The timeline has been changed throughout discovering new and improved ways to complete the goal. Still, the main obstacle is in the form of timely accessibility and affordability to the average citizen. Contributions to Net Zero can only be attained through efforts from individuals, the industry, and lawmakers. As other countries have taken steps to reach their goals of Net Zero, the United States has been slow in processes. It has minimally implemented tax breaks in hopes of raising affordability. Still, the tax breaks are not significant enough to change each individual's life, therefore not motivating individuals to take on the personal responsibility of upgrading their homes. Unfortunately, this is insufficient, and policymakers and lawmakers must take more measures to invoke a paradigm shift in the country's housing sector. This paper collected 68 sources focusing on HVAC systems, cost ability, Photovoltaic systems, regional projects, etc. Through economic and functional use analysis, this paper determined the steps needed to continue achieving Net Zero Energy through homes.



Engineering, Life Sciences


Environmental efficiency, Energy saving, Cost Saving, Zero Energy Homes, Cost-efficiency


Published: 2023-12-21 15:27

Last Updated: 2023-12-21 23:27


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