Mechanisms controlling  fluid break-up and reconnection during two-phase  flow in porous media

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Catherine Spurin, Sam Krevor, Tom Bultreys , Branko Bijeljic, Martin J Blunt 


The use of Darcys law to describe steady-state multiphase
flow in porous media has been justified by the assumption that the fluids flow in continuously connected pathways. However, a range of complex interface dynamics have been observed during macroscopically steady-state flow, including intermittent pathway flow where flow pathways periodically disconnect and reconnect. The physical mechanisms controlling this behaviour have remained unclear, leading to uncertainty concerning the occurrence of the different flow regimes. We observe that the fraction of intermittent flow pathways is dependent on the capillary number and viscosity ratio. We propose a phase diagram within this parameter space to quantify the degree of intermittent flow.



Earth Sciences, Engineering, Geophysics and Seismology, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics


fluid dynamics, multiphase flow, porous media, Geophysics, carbon storage, fluid flow, intermittency


Published: 2019-10-01 15:10

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