UNESCO Global Geoparks as useful sceneries to disseminate science and raise awareness of geological risks: the case of Las Loras Geopark (Spain)

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Irene deFelipe, Armanda Cruz, Dolores Pereira


Natural and anthropic hazards derived from climate change are endangering heritage and society. Geoheritage is vulnerable. Nowadays we are witnessing the destruction of monuments with high emotional significance due to wars, but climate change is also contributing to the loss of the same cultural heritage. Prevention is often the best way to protect geoheritage from disappearing and society is the best agent to implement preventive measures. Citizens are often unaware of the important treasures they have around them. Geoparks have been a great tool to bring awareness in society, since by involving the public in the whole process of recognition and promotion, they protect the space and the cultural and economic values associated with them. It is important to communicate the initiatives taking place in the geoparks to explain the importance of geology and the risk of losing the cultural value of these areas if natural hazards increase due to climate change, and also the risk to the population living in the area if those hazards reach destructive intensities. This paper is focused on discussing the case of Las Loras Geopark as an example to show the contribution of geoparks to the dissemination of science and the relevance of preserving geoheritage by implementing simple measures based on communication and prevention.




Education, Engineering


geoheritage, UNESCO Global Geoparks, natural hazards, potential consequences of climate change., UNESCO global geoparks, natural hazards


Published: 2024-01-22 07:58

Last Updated: 2024-01-22 20:02

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