HydroRTC: A Web-Based Data Transfer and Communication Library  for Collaborative Data Processing and Sharing in the Hydrological Domain

This is a Preprint and has not been peer reviewed. The published version of this Preprint is available: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106068. This is version 1 of this Preprint.

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Carlos Erazo Ramirez, Muhammed Yusuf Sermet, Muneeb Shahid, Ibrahim Demir


The exponential growth in data generated by satellites, radars, sensors, and analysis and reanalysis from model outputs for the hydrological domain requires efficient real-time data management and distribution mechanisms. This paper introduces HydroRTC, a web-based data transfer and communication library designed to accelerate large-scale data sharing and analysis. Leveraging next-generation web technologies like WebSockets, WebRTC and Node.js, the library enables seamless peer-to-peer sharing, smart data transmission, and large dataset streaming. Three primary scenarios are presented as use cases, demonstrating the potential of HydroRTC as server-to-peer with intelligent data scheduling and large data streaming, peer-to-peer data sharing, and peer-to-server for data exchange. HydroRTC offers a promising solution for collaborative infrastructures in the hydrological and environmental domain, allowing real-time and high-throughput data sharing and transfer for enhancing research efficiency and collaboration capabilities.




Education, Engineering


satellite data, Sensor Data, Decentralized Data Distribution, WebRTC, WebSockets, Distributed Data Processing, Peer-to-Peer, hydrology


Published: 2024-03-19 05:07

Last Updated: 2024-03-19 09:07


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International