Spatial Patterns of Urban Heat Islands and Green Space Cooling Effects in the Urban Microclimate of Karachi

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Aly Muhammad Gajani


With rapid urbanization and the increasing threats of climate change, metropolitan cities like Karachi, Pakistan, are encountering greater challenges due to the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon. Understanding the cooling potential of urban green spaces (UGS) is crucial for mitigating heat stress and enhancing urban resilience. This study aims to analyze the thermal dynamics and cooling efficacy of UGS within Karachi's dense urban centre through a comprehensive analysis of UHI intensity and the delineation of thermal hot and cool spots in relation to the city's landscape. The analysis reveals a strong positive correlation between the cooling intensity of parks and their buffer distance in all four UGS studied (Karachi golf club, Clifton urban forest, UoK green space, and Safari park), with an average cooling distance of 250 meters. It was found that Karachi West and Malir districts displayed the strongest UHI effects and higher levels of thermal discomfort. Hotspot analysis further confirmed this relationship, revealing a prevalence of cold spots near coastal areas and hotspots in districts lacking green spaces. The study highlights the significance of giving priority to the development and preservation of green spaces, especially in identified hotspots, to enhance the livability of Karachi and create a cooler environment.



Climate, Environmental Sciences, Forest Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sustainability


Urban green space, Urban Heat Island, Land Surface Temperature, Hotspot analysis, UTFVI


Published: 2024-05-22 04:51

Last Updated: 2024-05-22 08:51


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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