Calculation of Individual and Product Sustainability under IMACS

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Vincent Dert 


The methods described allow calculation of individual and product sustainabilities and of human conditions for all products, services and individual labor, in a globally standardized way. Product and service sustainabilities reflect natural resource use, environmental damage done and harmful or inhumane labor and living conditions that existed, to make, transport and sell the product or service. Individual sustainability reflects the degree to which an individual lives sustainable and is determined by the impacts of resource use and damage done due to individual consumption and conservation applied. The methods allow the calculation of product, service and individual sustainabilities per impact variable, for any of a dozen variables distributed over eleven impact groups, for any combination of impacts variables, including the use of a single sustainability value combining all impact variables. The use of a single sustainability value that can be printed on or scanned from the QR code on labels of participating products, makes it easier for consumers to compare and select more sustainable products and services and allows customers to become more sustainable themselves. It will also drive competitors to improve product sustainability, reducing costs and make increasingly more sustainable products available to the public.



Physical Sciences and Mathematics


sustainability, Sustainable economy, biodiversity, protection, restoration, carbon neutrality, carbon negativity, Carbon capture engineering, Sustainability sciences, international protection of human rights


Published: 2024-06-10 18:20

Last Updated: 2024-06-11 01:20


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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