Sedimentary Ripple marks from pavements of forts in Jaipur, Rajasthan. India

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Srikanth Guruswamy


Prolific occurrence of a variety of ripple trains in popular forts of Jaipur are observed. The occurrence of extensive Geological sample within man-made buildings form a valuable record for a variety of teaching and research needs. Random samples from these rippled sandstone slabs are classified to highlight their variability. Few standard measures are made on a sample pointing to quantitative approaches possible with their digital images. The objective is to elucidate the variety and extent of the observed samples and to bring forward their measurement and interpretation possibilities. These easily accessible and interpretable structures are significant in teaching and research of sedimentology and stratigraphy. The occurrence and use of such vast treasures of Geological samples among the historical and modern human edifice is highlighted.



Education, Outdoor Education


India, Jaipur, Ripple marks, Sedimentary structure


Published: 2020-03-18 13:36

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