Corporate social responsibility management and sustainability of a Peruvian agribusiness: analysis of invention, adaptability and organizational ambidexterity

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Reylis Michel Estela Yomona , Milagros Vanesa Arévalo Veintemilla, Kelita Guillen López, Juan Félix Quispe Gonzales


This research article analyzes the management of corporate social responsibility and the sustainability of a Peruvian agribusiness, considering invention, adaptability and organizational ambidexterity. The importance of invention is highlighted to develop innovative practices that improve sustainability. Adaptability is crucial to respond to external changes and environmental regulations. Organizational ambidexterity, which combines efficiency in existing operations and innovation in new areas, is identified as a key factor in achieving a balance between economic, social and environmental objectives. The general objective of this research was to know the corporate social responsibility actions that contribute to the sustainability of a Peruvian agroindustry. The methodological design of this study was of an applied type, with a qualitative approach at a descriptive level, it followed a cross-sectional, non-experimental approach, for data collection the technique of interviews and observation was used through the interview guide instruments and observation guide. The findings found in this research were sustainability actions, clean technologies, sustainable technologies, microbiological analysis, recycling, packaging design, pilot studies, food safety, sustainable development, sustainable practices, sustainable integration, awareness campaigns, local development, emissions reduction, ethical and sustainable practices, waste management. It is concluded that corporate social responsibility actions that contribute to the sustainability of Peruvian agribusiness represent a significant change in how this company approaches its roles and responsibilities towards society and the environment.



Environmental Studies


Adaptability, organizational ambidexterity, invention, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, sustainability


Published: 2024-08-06 05:32

Last Updated: 2024-08-06 12:32


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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Data Availability (Reason not available):
Photographic shots and videos of data collection

Conflict of interest statement:
There are no conflicts of interest