A global C-staggered composite model for shallow water equations 1 with latitude-longitude grid and reductions in the polar regions

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Genilson Schunck de Lima


To develop a numerical method for global geophysical fluids, we usually need to choose a spherical grid and numerical approximations to represent the partial derivative equations. Some alternatives include the use of finite differences or finite volumes with latitude-longitude or reduced grids. Each of these cases has some advantages and also some limitations. This paper presents a comparison between two methods and numerical tests with a composite model using them side by side. The first is a well-known method for latitude-longitude grids that was used from 75ºS until 75ºN. The second is a recently developed scheme for reduced grids that was used only in the polar regions. The similarity between these two methods allows a smooth transition in these two regions. Numerical tests with the composite model indicated order 2 of convergence, prevention of grid-imprinting errors, and a combination of the advantages of both schemes. The composite model has numerical properties that may lead to efficient implementations with massive parallel computation.




Applied Mathematics, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics


global reduced grids, finite differences, finite volumes, shallow-water equations, conservation, consistency


Published: 2024-08-07 13:46

Last Updated: 2024-08-07 20:46


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International

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