Dynamical controls on intensity-duration characteristics of heatwaves in an idealised model

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Abel Shibu , Joy Merwin Monteiro


An idealised climate model is used to study the contribution of the atmospheric circulation to the intensity-duration characteristics of heatwaves. Using the observed correlation between near-surface temperature and lower tropospheric dry static energy (DSE), we study the energetics of the lower troposphere during heatwaves in the model. We observe that, remarkably, the intensity-duration characteristics of heatwaves are primarily controlled by zonal advection of DSE, parallel to the climatological gradient of DSE. In regions of non-zero climatological lower tropospheric winds, this leads to a phenomenon which we term as a heatwave "conveyor belt" where DSE anomalies advected by the climatological winds lead to DSE accumulation profiles which determines heatwave intensity and duration. We show that changes in intensity-duration characteristics by latitude are primarily determined by changes in the magnitude of the zonal winds. Our results propose a new, circulation focused viewpoint to study heatwave characteristics.




Atmospheric Sciences, Climate


Atmospheric Circulation, Idealised modelling, extreme events, heatwave inten, Heatwaves, Heatwave intensity and duration


Published: 2024-08-22 02:54

Last Updated: 2024-08-22 09:54


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The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.