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Transformative change is required to secure a liveable future for people and nature. The Nature Futures Framework (NFF) is a heuristic tool to facilitate the creation of plural visions of nature positive futures that help build shared motivation for transformative change. Integrating nexus approaches with the NFF leverages the foundational role of biodiversity in supporting desirable outcomes across sectors and scales (i.e., the biodiversity nexus). In this paper, we bring these areas of biodiversity research together by co-creating plural visions of nature futures for Europe that make positive synergies within the biodiversity nexus explicit and consider transformative changes to the state of indirect drivers that enable them. In doing so, we aim to reflect upon methodological insights for future applications of the NFF. Nature futures for Europe were co-created with 26 participants representing diverse sectors and regions in Europe, resulting in three visions underpinned by different value perspectives: Dòigh Nàdair: The way of nature (Nature as Culture), NaturAll (Nature for Nature), and Return to Nature (Nature for Society). Subsequent analyses and a webinar enriched the narratives with possibilities for more synergistic nexus interactions. The findings highlight how plural visioning processes can generate distinct visions with positive nexus synergies enabled by unique indirect drivers. Yet, the resulting visions also share common features with overlapping value perspectives that evolved through the process. The methodological advances reveal how explicit consideration of the biodiversity nexus can mitigate unintended trade-offs between diverse values of biodiversity and increase the overall ambition of biodiversity outcomes.
Social and Behavioral Sciences
transformative change, Nature Futures Framework, biodiversity nexus, IPBES, plurality, nature values, visions
Published: 2024-09-06 10:47
Last Updated: 2024-09-06 17:47
CC BY Attribution 4.0 International
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