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Nd isotopic equilibration during channelized melt transport through the lithosphere: a feasibility study using idealized numerical models
Abstract {This study is motivated by the observed variability in trace element isotopic and chemical compositions of primitive (SiO$_2<$52 wt \%) basalts in southwest North America (SWNA) during the Cenozoic transition from subduction to extension. Specifically, we focus on processes that may explain the enigmatic observation that in some localities, basalts with low Ta/Th, consistent with parental melts in a subduction setting, have $\varepsilon_{Nd}$ signatures consistent with continental lithospheric mantle (CLM). In locations with the oldest CLM (Proterozoic and Archaean), Cenozoic basalts with low Ta/Th have $\varepsilon_{Nd}$ well below zero. We model channelized magma transport through the CLM using simple 1D transport models to explore the extent to which diffusive and reactive mass exchange can modify Nd isotopic compositions via open system melt-wallrock interactions. For geologically reasonable channel spacings and volume fractions, we quantify the reactive assimilation rates required for incoming melt with a different $\varepsilon_{Nd}$ than the wall-rock to undergo a substantial isotopic shift during $\approx$10 km channelized melt transport. In the presence of grain boundaries, enhanced diffusion between melt-rich channels and melt-poor surrounding rock contributes to isotopic equilibration, however this effect is not enough to our models suggest that requires a significant contribution from reactive assimilation of wallrock. Additionally our models support the idea that the observed covariability in Ta/Th and $\varepsilon_{Nd}$ in Cenozoic basalts cannot be attributed to transport alone and must reflect the transition from subduction-related to extension-related parental melts in SWNA.}
Earth Sciences, Geochemistry
magma-rock, open-system, advection-diffusion, isotopic equilibration, basalt geochemistry
Published: 2024-09-12 16:33
CC BY Attribution 4.0 International
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