Floodcraft: Game-based Interactive Learning Environment using Minecraft for Flood Mitigation and Preparedness for K-12 Education

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Eslim Emiroglu, Cori Ann Grant, Yusuf Sermet, Ibrahim Demir


Flooding poses a significant threat to communities worldwide, yet educational methods to teach flood mitigation strategies are often lacking in engagement and practical application. This study introduces Floodcraft, an open-source educational game developed using the Minecraft platform to teach K-12 students about flood preparedness and mitigation methods interactively. The game encompasses four key tasks, each representing a distinct flood mitigation strategy: building floodwalls, sandbagging, wet floodproofing, and elevating structures. Players must complete these challenges successfully, demonstrating the proper application of each approach. The game and its tasks were implemented using a combination of Minecraft modding and commands. Floodcraft aims to engage younger generations in learning about flood risks and mitigation strategies through an enjoyable, hands-on experience. By leveraging Minecraft's platform, the game promotes creativity and enjoyment in the learning process. Floodcraft contributes to the formation of resilient, environmentally conscious communities by encouraging children to participate in flood protection strategies from an early age. This innovative educational tool enables students to acquire practical knowledge about flood damage mitigation while fostering problem-solving skills and a sense of responsibility.




Educational Methods, Environmental Studies, Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces


K-12 education, flood management, Flood Risk, flood mitigation, Gamification, serious gaming


Published: 2024-10-04 10:48


CC BY Attribution 4.0 International