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Supplementary Files
Geodetic data provide static information on the displacement of the surface of the Earth, and allow for a detailed analysis of earthquake characteristics. Yet, geodetic data are generally characterized by either a good temporal or a good spatial resolution, but rarely both. This lack of resolution affects our understanding of the evolution of seismic and aseismic processes. Here, we propose a simple approach to counterbalance this lack of resolution by solving simultaneously for slip distributions on several time windows using datasets covering various time periods. This approach, also validated with a toy model, allows us to investigate the strictly co-seismic rupture of the Mw6.3 LAquila earthquake, Central Italy, and the processes at play on the fault during the first few days after the mainshock. We provide a strictly co-seismic slip model and a very early post-seismic model of the L’Aquila earthquake, and discuss the interactions between co-seismic slip, afterslip and aftershocks at short (6 days after mainshock) and long term (months after mainshock). We show that if the early post-seismic deformation is not acknowledged in earthquake source inversions, inferred co-seismic and post-seismic models may be largely biased. This work illustrates the importance of acknowledging the early post-seismic deformation to reliably address central scientific questions, such as the relationship between seismic and aseismic slip and their driving mechanisms, the interactions between on-fault deformation and aftershocks, and the agreement between nature and laboratory derived theories such as rate and state friction laws.
Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
afterslip, Earthquake source, Bayesian, geodesy, co-seismic, data resolution, inverse problem, Italy, L'Aquila, post-seismic, slip model
Published: 2018-11-20 09:06
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