Filtering by Subject: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Rheological control of crystal fabrics on Antarctic ice shelves
Published: 2025-03-28
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Ice crystal fabrics can exert significant rheological control on ice sheets and ice shelves, potentially softening or hardening anisotropic ice by several orders of magnitude compared to isotropic ice. We introduce an anisotropic extension of the Shallow Shelf Approximation (SSA), allowing for fabric-induced viscous anisotropy to affect the flow of ice shelves in coupled, transient simulations. [...]
Ore deposits formed during crustal magmatism and related hydrothermal processes: Formation, beneficiation, and the environmental and social considerations of utilization
Published: 2025-03-28
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Crustal magmatic systems that form volcanoes also produce mineral deposits that are important sources of critical metals. These include porphyry, epithermal, skarn, iron-oxide-copper-gold, and Carlin-type mineral deposits that form by magmatic-hydrothermal processes, magmatic sulfide deposits that form by purely igneous processes, and pegmatite deposits that form by both processes. These mineral [...]
Meteorites weathering under a variety of conditions in the Lut Desert
Published: 2025-03-27
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Climate, topography, and geomorphology are fundamental terrestrial environmental factors that play a significant role in shaping rock weathering processes across Earth's surface. These elements are particularly crucial when studying meteorite weathering, as they dictate the microenvironmental conditions that influence both physical and chemical alterations over time. Despite extensive research on [...]
Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanism (Encyclopedia of Volcanoes, 3rd edition, book chapter)
Published: 2025-03-26
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The vast majority of the Earth’s volcanism takes place in the deep ocean along mid-ocean ridges (MORs), yet because it is difficult to detect and observe, it is also relatively poorly understood. MOR volcanism occurs where tectonic plates spread apart and mainly produces effusive basaltic fissure eruptions where dikes reach the surface. The character and frequency of volcanism varies greatly as [...]
Geochemical volcano monitoring
Published: 2025-03-26
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The geochemistry of volcanic fluids is increasingly employed at volcano observatories worldwide to assess volcano activity state, and eruption potential. Here, we review the state-of-the-art in the field, with a primary focus on the most recent developments in instrumental gas monitoring that have rendered geochemistry an increasingly effective eruption-forecasting tool. We describe the main [...]
Seafloor Geodesy Unveils Seismogenesis of Large Subduction Earthquakes in México
Published: 2025-03-26
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Seafloor geodesy may lead to deep understanding of subduction systems and seismogenesis. Based on measurements of near-trench deformations of the oceanic and overriding plates, in this investigation we elucidate the tectonic and mechanical processes leading to the Mw7.0 Acapulco, Mexico, earthquake in 2021 at the heart of the Guerrero seismic gap. We exploit unprecedented ocean-bottom [...]
Consideration of rupture kinematics increases tsunami amplitudes in far-field hazards assessments
Published: 2025-03-25
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Tsunamis are large surges of sea water caused by undersea earthquakes. To prepare for future tsunamis, scientists run computer simulations to estimate how big the waves might be and how often they could happen. These simulations are used to make maps and design buildings that can withstand tsunami impacts. Most of these models assume that when an earthquake breaks a fault this happens all at [...]
Fast climate impact emulation for global temperature scenarios with the Rapid Impact Model Emulator (RIME)
Published: 2025-03-25
Subjects: Climate, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Climate model emulation has long been applied to assess the global climate outcomes of IAM emissions scenarios, but is typically limited to first-order climate variables like mean surface air temperatures at minimal regional resolution. Here we introduce RIME, the Rapid Impact Model Emulator, which uses global warming level interpolation approaches based on inputs of global mean air temperature [...]
An Improved Methodology to Estimate Cross-Scale Kinetic Energy Transfers from Third-Order Structure Functions using Regularized Least-Squares
Published: 2025-03-25
Subjects: Analysis, Applied Statistics, Fluid Dynamics, Longitudinal Data Analysis and Time Series, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Statistical Methodology, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
Several methods exist for estimating cross-scale kinetic energy (KE) transfers; however, they are ill-adapted for sparse ocean observations, hindering the study of oceanic KE transfers. A newly developed third-order structure function $D3(r)$ framework allows estimation of KE injection rates $\epsilon_j(k)$ and KE transfers $F(k)$ across scales using sparse data. This approach requires inverse [...]
Nanogeios Nanoliquid CO₂ – Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Nanofluid-Enhanced Liquid CO₂ for Advanced District and Data Center Cooling Applications
Published: 2025-03-23
Subjects: Chemical Engineering, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Engineering, Engineering Science and Materials, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience and Neurobiology, Other Engineering, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics
This study presents a comprehensive evaluation of a novel hybrid nanofluid-enhanced liquid CO₂, engineered to address cooling challenges in water-scarce environments. Developed by NanoGEIOS, the fluid combines graphene oxide (GO) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in a 1:1 ratio (2 vol%) and is optimized using AI-powered NanoFusion dispersion technology. The nanofluid exhibits a 77% increase in thermal [...]
Three times accelerated glacier area loss in Svalbard revealed by deep learning
Published: 2025-03-22
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Glaciology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The rapid warming in polar regions highlights the need to monitor climate change impacts such as glacier retreat and related global sea level rise. Glacier area is an essential climate variable but its tracking is complicated by the labour-intensive manual digitisation of satellite imagery. Here we introduce ICEmapper, a deep learning model that maps glacier outlines from Sentinel-1 time series [...]
Non-linear dynamical approaches for multi-sector climate resilience under irreducible uncertainty
Published: 2025-03-22
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Internal climate variability (ICV) remains a major source of uncertainty in climate projections, complicating impact assessments across critical sectors. Given that ICV emerges from the nonlinear interactions of the climate system, we argue that nonlinear dynamical (NLD) approaches can improve its characterization, providing physically interpretable insights that strengthen adaptation strategies [...]
Weakening of AMOC linked to past Greenland Ice Sheet retreat
Published: 2025-03-21
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Climate, Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geology, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Paleontology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
A weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is predicted to occur under multiple scenarios of future warming. However, the effect of meltwater from a decaying Greenland Ice Sheet (GrIS) on AMOC is uncertain. Using a basin-wide network of North Atlantic sediment cores, we show that the largescale melting of the GrIS during a previous interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c [...]
Unprecedented Social-Ecological Impacts of the 2023 Extreme Drought in the Central Amazon
Published: 2025-03-21
Subjects: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences
While the 2023 record-breaking drought led to widespread social-ecological impacts across Amazonia, local impacts of such extreme events are rarely described in detail. Here we leverage a large interdisciplinary data collection related to social and ecological impacts in the Central Amazon. Compound hazards (reduced river water levels, lack of rainfall, high water/air temperatures, river erosion [...]
Holocene rapid (decades) multi-metre marine transgressions by climatically driven Antarctic ice-collapse events. Another event imminent?
Published: 2025-03-20
Subjects: Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The controversial 1961 'Fairbridge Curve' of Holocene global sea-level (SL), showing metre-scale (to ~5m) oscillations based on carbon-dated geological index points (SL 'benchmarks''), is vindicated by syntheses (companion-articles by present author) of the literature on: (1) Holocene sea level, exposing flawed assumptions and methods in constructing non-oscillating SL curves; and (2) English [...]