
Filtering by Subject: Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Enhanced velocity based pore pressure prediction using lithofacies clustering: A case study from a reservoir with complex lithology in Dezful Embayment, SW Iran

Farid Arabameri, Hamidreza soleymani, Behzad Tokhmechi

Published: 2018-03-21
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The primary goal of this paper is to improve accuracy and reliability of the conventional Bowers and Tau methods in a reservoir with complex lithology. We demonstrate the capability of the proposed method through a case study in a reservoir in the Southwest of Iran. Velocity based pore pressure prediction methods are widely accepted as a routine technique in the petroleum industry. Despite recent [...]

Missing emissions from post-monsoon agricultural fires in northwestern India: regional limitations of MODIS burned area and active fire products

Tianjia Liu, Miriam Marlier, Alexandra Karambelas, et al.

Published: 2018-03-21
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

A rising source of outdoor emissions in northwestern India is crop residue burning, occurring after the monsoon (kharif) and winter (rabi) crop harvests. In particular, post-monsoon rice residue burning, which occurs annually from October to November and is linked to increasing mechanization, coincides with meteorological conditions that enhance short-term air quality degradation. Here we examine [...]

Evaluating models of Coulomb stress transfer: Is variable fault geometry important?

Zoe K Mildon, Shinji Toda, Joanna Faure Walker, et al.

Published: 2018-03-21
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

To determine the importance of receiver fault geometry in Coulomb stress calculations a new methodology is presented to model faults with variable geometry. Although most models use planar faults, it is known that these are inaccurate representations of faults observed in the field. The central Italian Apennines are chosen as a straightforward tectonic system with well‐exposed normal faults to [...]

Kinematics of the active West Andean fold-and-thrust belt (Central Chile): structure and long-term shortening rate

Magali Riesner, Robin Lacassin, Martine Simoes, et al.

Published: 2018-03-19
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

West-verging thrusts, synthetic with the Nazca - South America subduction interface, have been recently discovered at the western front of the Andes. At ~33°30’S, the active San Ramón fault stands as the most frontal of these west-verging structures, and represents a major earthquake threat for Santiago, capital city of Chile. Here we elaborate a detailed 3D structural map and a precise [...]

Paleomagnetic Biases Inferred from Numerical Dynamos and the Search for Geodynamo Evolution

Peter Driscoll

Published: 2018-03-19
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The orientation and intensity of the paleomagnetic field is central to our understanding of the history of the Earth. The paleomagnetic signature of the singular most event, inner core nucleation, however, remains elusive. In this study we study numerical dynamo simulations from a paleomagnetic perspective to explore how long observations must be time-averaged to obtain stable virtual [...]

Could machine learning break the convection parametrization deadlock?

Pierre Gentine, Mike Pritchard, Stephan Rasp, et al.

Published: 2018-03-16
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics, Planetary Sciences

Modeling and representing moist convection in coarse-scale climate models remains one of the main bottlenecks of current climate simulations. Many of the biases present with parameterized convection are strongly reduced when convection is explicitly resolved (in cloud resolving models at high spatial resolution ~ a kilometer or so). We here present a novel approach to convective parameterization [...]

The Extraordinary Mediocrity of the Holocene

Lee Drake

Published: 2018-03-15
Subjects: Climate, Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Planetary Sciences

The extinction of multiple genera of large-bodied mammals during the Holocene interglacial transition has been attributed to three hypothesized causes: human migration, climate change, and an extra-terrestrial impact. Two of these hypotheses, climate change and extra-terrestrial impactor, would predict that the Holocene interglacial transition was uniquely stressful for large-bodied mammals. To [...]

A potential link between waterfall recession rate and bedrock channel concavity

Eitan Shelef, Itai Haviv, Liran Goren

Published: 2018-03-15
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The incision of bedrock channels is typically modeled through the stream power or the shear stress applied on the channel bed. However, this approach is not valid for quasi-vertical knickpoints (hereafter waterfalls), where water and sediments do not apply direct force on the vertical face and waterfall retreat rate is often modeled as a power function of drainage area. These different incision [...]

Slow-slip events in semi-brittle serpentinite fault zones

Arjun Goswami, Sylvain Barbot

Published: 2018-03-14
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Slow-slip events are earthquake-like events only with much lower slip rates. While peak coseismic velocities can reach tens of meters per second, slow-slip is on the order of 1E-7 m/s and may last for days to weeks. Under the rate-and-state model of fault friction, slow-slip is produced only when the asperity size is commensurate with the critical nucleation size, a function of frictional [...]

Reporting negative results to stimulate experimental hydrology

Tim van Emmerik, Andrea Popp, Anna Solcerova, et al.

Published: 2018-03-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Hydrology, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Experimental work in hydrology is in decline. Based on a community survey, Blume et al. showed that the hydrological community associates experimental work with greater risks. One of the main issues with experimental work is the higher chance on negative results (defined here as when the expected or wanted result was not observed despite careful experimental design, planning and execution), [...]

Investigation of variable aeration of monodisperse mixtures: implications for Pyroclastic Density Currents

Gregory Smith, Rebecca Williams, Pete Rowley, et al.

Published: 2018-03-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Volcanology

The high mobility of dense pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) is commonly attributed to high gas pore pressures. However, the influence of spatial and temporal variations in pore pressure within PDCs has yet to be investigated. Theory suggests that variability in the fluidisation and aeration of a current will have a significant control on PDC flow and deposition. In this study, the effect of [...]

Monoclinal flexure of an orogenic plateau margin during subduction, south Turkey

David Fernández-Blanco, Giovanni Bertotti, Ali Aksu, et al.

Published: 2018-03-12
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure

Geologic evidence across orogenic plateau margins enables the discrimination of the relative contributions of orogenic, epeirogenic and/or climatic processes that lead to growth and maintenance of those plateaus and their margins. Here, we discuss the mode of formation of the southern margin of the Central Anatolian Plateau (SCAP) and evaluate its time of formation using fieldwork in the onshore [...]

The effect of wind stress anomalies and location in driving Pacific Subtropical cells and tropical climate

Giorgio Graffino, Riccardo Farneti, Fred Kucharski, et al.

Published: 2018-03-12
Subjects: Climate, Oceanography, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

The importance of subtropical and extratropical zonal wind stress on Pacific Subtropical Cells (STCs) strength is assessed through several idealized numerical experiments performed with a global ocean model. Different zonal wind stress anomalies are employed, and their intensity is strengthened or weakened with respect to the climatological value throughout a suite of simulations. Strengthened [...]

Resolving the era of river-forming climates on Mars using stratigraphic logs of river-deposit dimensions

Edwin S Kite, Alan Howard, Antoine Lucas, et al.

Published: 2018-03-10
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

River deposits are one of the main lines of evidence that tell us that Mars once had a climate different from today, and so changes in river deposits with time tell us something about how Mars climate changed with time. In this study, we focus in on one sedimentary basin – Aeolis Dorsa – which contains an exceptionally high number of exceptionally well-preserved river deposits that appear to have [...]

Disagreement among global cloud distributions from CALIOP, passive satellite sensors and general circulation models

Vincent Noel, Helene Chepfer, Marjolaine Chiriaco, et al.

Published: 2018-03-09
Subjects: Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Cloud detection is the first step of any complex satellite-based cloud retrieval. No instrument detects all clouds, and analyses that use a given satellite climatology can only discuss a specific subset of clouds. We attempt to clarify which subsets of clouds are detected in a robust way by passive sensors, and which require active sensors. To do so, we identify where retrievals of Cloud Amounts [...]


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