Filtering by Subject: Other Earth Sciences
Plants and Drought in a Changing Climate
Published: 2018-04-23
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Life Sciences, Other Earth Sciences, Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Purpose of review: Climate is changing in response to rising concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and it is commonly asserted that this will cause droughts to become more frequent and severe. However, different metrics of drought give diverging estimates of future impacts. I present a summary of the significant yet underappreciated influence that plant stomatal and growth responses to CO2 have on [...]
Stratigraphy of Aeolis Dorsa, Mars: stratigraphic context of the great river deposits
Published: 2018-04-02
Subjects: Astrophysics and Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, The Sun and the Solar System
Unraveling the stratigraphic record is the key to understanding ancient climate and past climate changes on Mars (Grotzinger et al. 2011). Stratigraphic records of river deposits hold particular promise because rain or snowmelt must exceed infiltration plus evaporation to allow sediment transport by rivers. Therefore, river deposits when placed in stratigraphic order could constrain the number, [...]
Multi-scale segmentation algorithm for pattern-based partitioning of large categorical rasters
Published: 2018-01-28
Subjects: Computer Sciences, Earth Sciences, Geography, Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Spatial Science
Analyzing large Earth Observation (EO) data on the broad spatial scales frequently involves regionalization of patterns. To automate this process we present a segmentation algorithm designed specifically to delineate segments containing quasi-stationary patterns. The algorithm is designed to work with patterns of a categorical variable. This makes it possible to analyze very large spatial [...]
High Resolution, Millennial-Scale Patterns of Bed Compensation on a Sand-Rich Intraslope Submarine Fan, Western Niger Delta Slope
Published: 2018-01-28
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy
Near-seafloor core and seismic-reflection data from the western Niger Delta continental slope document the facies, architecture, and evolution of submarine channel and intraslope submarine fan deposits. The submarine channel enters an 8 km long x 8 km wide intraslope basin, where more than 100 m of deposits form an intraslope submarine fan. Lobe deposits in the intraslope submarine fan show no [...]
Protected Places: A Survey of Laws on Archaeological Site and Cave Location Confidentiality and Their Potential Impact on Library Reference Policies and Services
Published: 2018-01-09
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Library and Information Science, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Librarians who work with maps and other forms of spatial information are often asked for information about the location of a place. These questions can range from the location of a village or farm where an ancestor lived to more cryptic questions, such as the location of the Garden of Eden based on its Biblical description. Most librarians will attempt to answer locational questions by directing [...]
Tropical cyclones shift poleward more over Land than over Ocean
Published: 2017-12-07
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The latitudes of all Northern Hemisphere tropical cyclones (TCs) from the National Hurricane Center (NHC)/Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) best track data are used to investigate their poleward migration from 1970 to 2017. The annual means of the track latitudes are calculated for tropical storms, hurricanes/typhoons, and all storms over land and ocean, respectively. The analysis of the annual [...]
How, where and when do radial faults grow near salt diapirs?
Published: 2017-11-27
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Tectonics and Structure
We examine 3-D seismic reflection data from the Santos Basin, offshore Brazil to determine how, where and when do radial faults grow near a sub-circular salt diapir (stock). We show roof stretching alone cannot account for the large heights and lengths of the kilometre-scale radial faults, suggesting stock widening (‘stem push’), a mechanism implied in numerical models but not yet documented in [...]
Temperatures recorded by cosmogenic noble gases since the last glacial maximum in the Maritime Alps
Published: 2017-11-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Geomorphology, Glaciology, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
While proxy records have been used to reconstruct late Quaternary climate parameters throughout the European Alps, our knowledge of deglacial climate conditions in the Maritime Alps is limited. Here, we report temperatures recorded by a new and independent geochemical technique—cosmogenic noble gas paleothermometry—in the Maritime Alps since the last glacial maximum. We measured cosmogenic 3He in [...]
A new global mode of Earth deformation: seasonal cycle detected
Published: 2017-11-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Hydrology, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Earth Sciences, Other Environmental Sciences, Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
We have detected a global mode of Earth deformation that is predicted by theory. Precise positioning of GPS sites distributed worldwide reveals that in February to March the northern hemisphere compresses (and the southern hemisphere expands), such that sites near the North Pole move downward by 3.0 mm, and sites near the equator are pulled northwards by 1.5 mm. The opposite pattern of [...]
Choice of optimal averaging radii for temporal GRACE gravity solutions, a comparison with GPS and satellite altimetry
Published: 2017-11-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Glaciology, Hydrology, Other Earth Sciences, Other Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
One of the initial challenges of the GRACE mission is to validate the accuracy of the time-variable gravity fields. These gravity fields contain both spatially correlated (systematic) and random noise and hence spatial averaging needs to be implemented. Before the fields may be interpreted, optimum averaging radii need to be determined through comparison with independent data. We compare time [...]
A comparison of GPS, VLBI and model estimates of ocean tide loading displacements
Published: 2017-11-13
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Other Civil and Environmental Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
In recent years, Ocean Tide Loading Displacements (OTLD) have been measured using the Global Positioning System (GPS) and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). This study assesses the accuracy of GPS measurements of OTLD by comparison with VLBI measurements and estimates derived from numerical ocean tide models. A daily precise point positioning (PPP) analysis was carried out on ~11 years of [...]
GPS sidereal filtering: coordinate- and carrier-phase-level strategies
Published: 2017-11-13
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Other Civil and Environmental Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Multipath error is considered one of the major errors affecting GPS observations. One can benefit from the repetition of satellite geometry approximately every sidereal day, and apply filtering to help minimize this error. For GPS data at 1 second interval processed using a double-difference strategy, using the day-to-day coordinate or phase residual autocorrelation determined with a 10 hour [...]
Basis functions for the consistent and accurate representation of surface mass loading
Published: 2017-11-13
Subjects: Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Numerical Analysis and Computation, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Earth Sciences, Other Environmental Sciences, Other Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Inversion of geodetic site displacement data to infer surface mass loads has previously been demonstrated using a spherical harmonic representation of the load. This method suffers from the continent-rich, ocean-poor distribution of the geodetic data, coupled with the predominance of the continental load (water storage and atmospheric pressure) compared with the ocean bottom pressure (including [...]
Using filtered and semi-continuous high rate GPS for monitoring deformations
Published: 2017-11-13
Subjects: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management, Earth Sciences, Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Geotechnical Engineering, Other Civil and Environmental Engineering, Other Earth Sciences, Other Environmental Sciences, Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Structural Engineering
Multipath is a major sidereally-repeating error affecting precise GPS positioning and deformation monitoring. Because satellite-receiver geometry repeats almost exactly every sidereal day, filtering can reduce multipath in near-static situations. Here, we investigate how sidereal filtering can be used in a switched multi-antenna array system providing semi-continuous GPS data, which may be [...]
J2: an evaluation of new estimates from GPS, GRACE and load models compared to SLR
Published: 2017-11-13
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Geophysics and Seismology, Other Earth Sciences, Other Environmental Sciences, Other Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
Changes in J2, resulting from past and present changes in Earth’s climate, are traditionally observed by Satellite Laser ranging (SLR). Assuming an elastic Earth, it is possible to infer changes in J2 from changes in Earth’s shape observed by GPS. We compare estimates of non-secular J2 changes from GPS, SLR, GRACE and a load model. The GPS and SLR annual signals agree but are different (16%) to [...]