
Filtering by Subject: Environmental Monitoring

Technological Maturity of Aircraft-Based Methane Sensing for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

Sahar Head El Abbadi, Zhenlin Chen, Philippine M. Burdeau, et al.

Published: 2023-06-22
Subjects: Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Oil, Gas, and Energy

Methane is a major contributor to anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Identifying large sources of methane, particularly from the oil and gas sector, will be essential for mitigating climate change. Aircraft-based methane sensing platforms can rapidly detect and quantify methane point-source emissions across large geographic regions, playing an increasingly important role in industrial [...]

A framework for the estimation of uncertainties and spectral error correlation in Sentinel-2 Level-2A data products

Javier Gorroño, Luis Guanter, Lukas Valentin Graf, et al.

Published: 2023-06-16
Subjects: Engineering, Environmental Monitoring

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 (S2) satellite mission acquires high spatial resolution optical imagery over land and coastal areas. Delivering uncertainty estimates and spectral error correlation alongside S2 data products facilitates the constrain of retrieval algorithms, propagates further downstream the retrieval uncertainty, and fifinally makes informed decisions to end-users. This study [...]

Is Snow Drought a Messenger for the Upcoming Severe Drought Period? A Case Study in the Upper Mississippi River Basin

Serhan Yeşilköy, Özlem Baydaroğlu, Ibrahim Demir

Published: 2023-06-03
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Water Resource Management

The exacerbation of floods and the extension of droughts, attributed to climate change and other human-induced factors, are posing a substantial risk to communities by causing water scarcity and insecurity. The significance of safeguarding water resources and managing them is increasingly gaining prominence. Snow is an efficient source of water for recharging groundwater compared to rainfall. [...]

Enhancing Flood Risk Assessment Through Machine Learning and Open Data

Tom Narock, J Michael Johnson, Arash Modaresi Rad

Published: 2023-06-02
Subjects: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring

Urban flooding causes billions of dollars in damages annually, with severe flood events becoming more frequent and destructive as our climate changes. While extreme weather is a primary driver of flooding, its consequences depend on the interconnectedness of urban systems - referred to as the Urban Multiplex, which includes the power grid, transportation network, natural surface water and [...]

Spatiotemporal inconsistencies in Landsat satellite observations bias environmental-change analyses and monitoring

Ruben Remelgado, Christopher Conrad, Carsten Meyer

Published: 2023-05-19
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Geographic Information Sciences, Physical and Environmental Geography, Remote Sensing, Sustainability

Satellite remote sensing is vital for research, monitoring, and policy addressing environmental-change and sustainability issues from climate and ecosystem changes to food and water security. Here, Landsat satellite data play a crucial role, thanks to their unique global, long-term, and high-resolution coverage. Yet, spatial and temporal data gaps in the Landsat archive may propagate into derived [...]

Evaluating the spatial patterns of NOx emissions in polluted areas with TROPOMI NO2

Daniel L Goldberg, Madankui Tao, Gaige Kerr, et al.

Published: 2023-05-18
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Health and Protection, Environmental Monitoring

Satellite datasets are increasingly used to evaluate NOx emissions inventories. Such studies often require the use of a chemical transport model or a complex statistical framework to account for meteorological factors that can complicate the comparison. Here, we apply a novel method to compare inventory-based emissions directly to Tropospheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) NO2 data without a [...]

Single-Blind Detection, Localization, and Quantification of Methane Emissions Using Continuous Path-Integrated Column Measurements

Nathan Blume, Timothy G. Pernini, Jeremy T. Dobler, et al.

Published: 2023-04-13
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Oil, Gas, and Energy

Path-integrated column measurements with a laser absorption-based measurement system have been used to detect, locate, and quantify methane emissions from a series of single-blind controlled releases with no prior knowledge of timing, locations, or release rates. System performance was evaluated against metrics defined in the Continuous Monitoring Protocol established by the Colorado State [...]

A high-resolution temporal framework to understand the reach-scale controls on wood budgeting

Borbála Hortobágyi, Stéphane Petit, Baptiste Marteau, et al.

Published: 2023-04-07
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Physical and Environmental Geography, Remote Sensing

Large active channels usually store more wood than channels with a narrow flow because of the availability of large unvegetated bars for wood deposition and inner functioning that usually supplies more wood through channel shifting. However, the dynamics of the wood supply (wood input, output, or stability) can vary substantially over time and the drivers are largely unknown. To explore them, we [...]

High-resolution methane mapping with the EnMAP satellite imaging spectroscopy mission

Javier Roger, Itziar Irakulis-Loitxate, Adriana Valverde, et al.

Published: 2023-04-06
Subjects: Atmospheric Sciences, Environmental Monitoring

Methane mitigation from anthropogenic sources such as fossil fuels and waste management has been found as one of the most promising strategies to curb global warming in the near future. Satellite-based imaging spectrometers have demonstrated to be well-suited to detect and quantify these emissions at high spatial resolution. These instruments produce so-called hyperspectral data cubes of the [...]

From source to sea: Floating macroplastic transport along the Rhine river

Boaz Kuizenga, Paolo Tasseron, Katrin Wendt-Pothoff, et al.

Published: 2023-03-13
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Fresh Water Studies, Other Environmental Sciences

Rivers are pathways and storage zones for plastic pollution. Land-based plastic waste enters river systems through anthropogenic and hydrometeorological processes, after which they are transported and retained. Only a fraction is assumed to make it into the ocean. Understanding and quantifying river plastic transport is important to optimize prevention and reduction strategies, and to evaluate [...]

Addressing Tidal Flooding Induced uncertainties in Satellite Derived Global Salt Marsh Change Studies: Impact on Blue Carbon Monitoring

Deepak R Mishra, Peter A Hawman

Published: 2023-03-04
Subjects: Environmental Indicators and Impact Assessment, Environmental Monitoring, Other Environmental Sciences, Water Resource Management

In the past few years, it has been established that remote sensing of wetlands change analysis studies would require careful examination of tidal flooding produced uncertainties in satellite datasets. Tide flagging and filtering mechanisms are required to reduce per-pixel variabilities and errors in change detection. We present a technical note summarizing the potential impact of a lack of tide [...]

Large variation in Mekong river plastic transport between wet and dry season

Tim van Emmerik, Louise Schreyers, Yvette Mellink, et al.

Published: 2023-02-27
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Hydrology, Water Resource Management

Plastic pollution in rivers is of increased global concern. Rivers act both as pathways for land-based plastic waste into the ocean, and as plastic reservoirs for long-term retention. Reliable observations are key to designing, optimizing and evaluating strategies to prevent and reduce plastic pollution. Several measurement methods have been developed to quantify macroplastic ($>$0.5 cm) storage [...]

Quantifying fire-specific smoke severity

Jeff Wen, Patrick Baylis, Judson Boomhower, et al.

Published: 2023-02-17
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Environmental Health and Protection, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics

Rapidly changing wildfire regimes across the Western US has driven more frequent and severe wildfires, resulting in wide-ranging societal threats from the wildfires themselves and the smoke that they generate. However, common measures of fire severity focus on what is burned and do not account for the societal impacts of the smoke generated from each fire. We combine satellite-derived fire scars, [...]

Seafloor shaping in mesophotic reefs, role of internal waves and bottom currents (Southeastern Mediterranean Sea)

Or M. Bialik, Omri Gadol, Aaron Micallef, et al.

Published: 2023-01-24
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Geology, Marine Biology, Other Environmental Sciences, Sedimentology

Mesophotic reefs are located in low light conditions which, depending on the region, found in water depths greater than ~30 m. They are less affected by ocean warming than reefs found in shallower water depth and thus might become increasingly important for the sustainability of marine biodiversity. Here we explore the physical mechanisms controlling the sediment distribution around a [...]

Extension of Methane Emission Rate Distribution for Permian Basin Oil and Gas Production Infrastructure by Aerial LiDAR

William Kunkel, Michael Thorpe, Asa Carre-Burritt, et al.

Published: 2023-01-11
Subjects: Environmental Monitoring, Oil, Gas, and Energy

Aerial LiDAR measurements at 7474 oil and gas production facilities in the Permian Basin yield a measured methane emission rate distribution extending to the detection sensitivity of the method, 2 kg/h at 90% probability of detection. Emissions are found at 38.3% of facilities scanned, a significantly higher proportion than reported in lower-sensitivity campaigns. LiDAR measurements are analyzed [...]


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