
Filtering by Subject: Stratigraphy

Volume And Recurrence of Submarine-Fan-Building Turbidity Currents

Zane Richards Jobe, Nick Howes, Brian Romans, et al.

Published: 2018-01-29
Subjects: Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

(now published in "The Depositional Record") Submarine fans are archives of Earth-surface processes and change, recording information about the turbidity currents that construct and sculpt them. The volume and recurrence of turbidity currents are of great interest for geohazard assessment, source-to-sink modeling, and hydrocarbon reservoir characterization. Yet, such dynamics are poorly [...]

Facies architecture of submarine channel deposits on the western Niger Delta slope: Implications for grain-size and density stratification in turbidity currents

Zane Richards Jobe, Zoltan Sylvester, Michele Bolla-Pittaluga, et al.

Published: 2018-01-29
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Mathematics, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Other Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

High-resolution bathymetry, seismic reflection, and piston core data from a submarine channel on the western Niger Delta slope demonstrate that thick, coarse-grained, amalgamated sands in the channel thalweg/axis transition to thin, fine-grained, bedded sands and muds in the channel margin. Radiocarbon ages indicate that axis and margin deposits are coeval. Core data show that bed thickness, [...]

High Resolution, Millennial-Scale Patterns of Bed Compensation on a Sand-Rich Intraslope Submarine Fan, Western Niger Delta Slope

Zane Richards Jobe, Zoltan Sylvester, Nick Howes, et al.

Published: 2018-01-29
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Other Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Near-seafloor core and seismic-reflection data from the western Niger Delta continental slope document the facies, architecture, and evolution of submarine channel and intraslope submarine fan deposits. The submarine channel enters an 8 km long x 8 km wide intraslope basin, where more than 100 m of deposits form an intraslope submarine fan. Lobe deposits in the intraslope submarine fan show no [...]

Comparing submarine and fluvial channel kinematics: Implications for stratigraphic architecture

Zane Richards Jobe, Nick Howes, Neal Auchter

Published: 2018-01-29
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Submarine and fluvial channels exhibit qualitatively similar geomorphic patterns, yet produce very different stratigraphic records. We reconcile these seemingly contradictory observations by focusing on the channel-belt scale and quantifying the time-integrated stratigraphic record of the belt as a function of (1) the geometric scale and (2) the trajectory of the geomorphic channel, applying the [...]

Rapid Adjustment of Submarine Channel Architecture to Changes in Sediment Supply

Zane Richards Jobe, Zoltan Sylvester, Andrew Parker, et al.

Published: 2018-01-29
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Changes in sediment supply and caliber during the last ~130 ka have resulted in a complex architectural evolution of the Y channel system on the western Niger Delta slope. This evolution consists of four phases, each with documented or inferred changes in sediment supply. Phase 1 flows created wide (1,000 m), low-sinuosity (1.1) channel forms with lateral migration and little to no aggradation. [...]

Climbing Ripple Successions in Turbidite Systems: Depositional Environments, Sedimentation Rates, and Accumulation Times

Zane Richards Jobe, Donald R Lowe, William R Morris

Published: 2018-01-29
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Climbing-ripple cross-lamination (CRCL) is most commonly deposited by turbidity currents when suspended load fallout and bedload transport occur contemporaneously. The angle of ripple climb reflects the ratio of suspended load fallout and bedload sedimentation rates, allowing for the calculation of the flow properties and durations of turbidity currents. Three areas exhibiting thick (> 50 m) [...]

Macrostrat: a platform for geological data integration and deep-time Earth crust research

Shanan E Peters, Jon M. Husson, John Czaplewski

Published: 2018-01-27
Subjects: Biogeochemistry, Earth Sciences, Geology, Paleobiology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Characterizing the lithology, age, and physical-chemical properties of rocks and sediments in the Earths upper crust is necessary to fully assess energy, water, and mineral resources and to address many fundamental questions in the Earth sciences. Although a large number of geological maps, regional geological syntheses, and sample-based measurements have been produced, there is no openly [...]

Two Fundamentally Different Types of Submarine Canyons Along the Continental Margin of Equatorial Guinea

Zane Richards Jobe, Donald R Lowe, Steve Uchytil

Published: 2018-01-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Geophysics and Seismology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Most submarine canyons are erosive conduits cut deeply into the world’s continental shelves through which sediment is transported from areas of high coastal sediment supply onto large submarine fans. However, many submarine canyons in areas of low sediment supply do not have associated submarine fans and show significantly different morphologies and depositional processes from those of ‘classic’ [...]

Facies and Architectural Asymmetry in a Conglomerate-Rich Submarine Channel Fill, Cerro Toro Formation, Sierra Del Toro, Magallanes Basin, Chile

Zane Richards Jobe, Anne Bernhardt, Donald R Lowe

Published: 2018-01-25
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Cross-sectional asymmetry is characteristic of sinuous channels, in both fluvial and submarine settings. Less well documented are the facies distributions of asymmetric channels, particularly in submarine settings. Exposures of the axial channel-belt in the Magallanes retro-arc foreland basin on Sierra del Toro represent the fill of a 3.5 km wide, 300 m thick channel complex, here termed the [...]

Salt thickness and composition influence rift structural style, northern North Sea, offshore Norway

Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Gavin Elliott, Elisabeth Evrard, et al.

Published: 2018-01-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Structure

‘Salt’ giants are typically halite-dominated, although they invariably contain other evaporite (e.g. anhydrite, bittern salts) and non-evaporite (e.g. carbonate, clastic) rocks. Rheological differences between these rocks mean they impact or respond to rift-related, upper crustal deformation in different ways. Our understanding of basin-scale lithology variations in ancient salt giants, what [...]

A consistent global approach for morphometric characterisation of subaqueous landslides

Michael Andrew Clare, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, David Voelker, et al.

Published: 2018-01-12
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Geophysics and Seismology, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Landslides are common in aquatic settings worldwide, from lakes and coastal environments to the deep-sea. Fast-moving, large volume landslides can potentially trigger destructive tsunamis. Landslides damage and disrupt global communication links and other critical marine infrastructure. Landslide deposits act as foci for localised, but important deep-seafloor biological communities. Under burial, [...]

Estimating regional flood discharge during Palaeocene-Eocene global warming (submitted)

CHEN CHEN, Laure Guerit, Brady Z Foreman, et al.

Published: 2018-01-04
Subjects: Climate, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geology, Geomorphology, Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Among the most urgent challenges in future climate change scenarios is accurately predicting the magnitude at which precipitation extremes will intensify. Analogous changes have been reported for an episode of millennial scale 5°C warming termed the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; 56 Ma), providing independent constraints on hydrological response to global warming. However, quantifying [...]

Geometry and Kinematics of Salt-detached Ramp Syncline Basins

Leonardo Muniz Pichel, Frank Peel, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, et al.

Published: 2017-12-24
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Stratigraphy, Tectonics and Structure

Ramp-syncline basins (RSBs) are characterized by asymmetric depocentres that form by translation above flat-ramp extensional faults or salt detachments having basal steps. Both types of RSBs are composed by landward-dipping and expanding strata defined by basinward-dipping axial traces. 3D seismic data from the São Paulo Plateau, Santos Basin, Brazil, image a series of RSBs formed above thick [...]

Slope-fan depositional architecture from high-resolution forward stratigraphic models

Nicolas Hawie, Jacob Covault, Dallas Dunlap, et al.

Published: 2017-12-19
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Submarine fans in tectonically active continental-slope basins are targets of petroleum exploration and production. These slope fans commonly comprise compensationally stacked sandy and muddy architectural elements, including mass-transport deposits, weakly confined to distributary channel-and-lobe deposits, and leveed-channel deposits. The lateral continuity and vertical connectivity of these [...]

Stratigraphic modeling of the Western Taiwan foreland basin: sediment flux from a growing mountain range and tectonic implications

Stefan Nagel, Didier Granjeon, Sean Willett, et al.

Published: 2017-12-11
Subjects: Earth Sciences, Geology, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Sedimentology, Stratigraphy

Sediment flux signals in foreland basins preserve a record of tectonics, sea level and climate through erosion and sedimentation. However, longitudinal sediment transport often occurs in foreland basin, thus removing part of the orogenic material flux from foreland basins. Here we use mass balance calculation and stratigraphic simulations of sediment fluxes for the Taiwan orogen to provide a [...]


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