Filtering by Subject: Analytical Chemistry
High–precision determination of carbon stable isotope in silicate glasses by secondary ion mass spectrometry: Evaluation of international standards
Published: 2024-04-24
Subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Geochemistry
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) has been used for isotope analysis of volatile components dissolved in silicate melts for decades. However, carbon in situ stable isotope analysis in natural silicate glasses has remained particularly challenging, with the few published attempts yielding high uncertainties. In this context, we characterized 31 reference silicate glasses of basaltic and [...]
An aminostratigraphy for the Quaternary of the Swiss Plateau
Published: 2024-02-08
Subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Geochemistry, Other Earth Sciences, Stratigraphy
Here we develop an amino acid chronology to help establish a dated sequence for the important Early Pleistocene Höhere and Tiefere Deckenschotter lithostratigraphic units, as well as other Quaternary deposits from the Swiss Plateau. Age discrimination is possible between the Quaternary sites from the Swiss Plateau in six different biominerals: Bithynia opercula, shell fragments from Fruticola, [...]
Single Column REE Separation and Radiogenic 143Nd/144Nd Analysis without Sm Elimination
Published: 2023-03-10
Subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Geochemistry
A single column separation method has been developed for the determination of radiogenic 143Nd/144Nd ratios for natural geological samples. Conventional radiogenic Nd isotope ratio measurements require rigorous column chemistry involving multiple steps to extract a pure Nd fraction. Elements that cause isobaric interference during analysis are removed using a multi-column separation method, which [...]
Unraveling the role of polysaccharide-goethite associations on glyphosate’ adsorption-desorption dynamics and binding mechanisms
Published: 2022-07-22
Subjects: Agriculture, Analytical Chemistry, Biogeochemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Sciences, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Soil Science
Hypothesis Glyphosate retention at environmental interfaces is strongly governed by adsorption and desorption processes. In particular, glyphosate can react with organo-mineral associations (OMAs) in soils, sediments, and aquatic environments. We hypothesize mineral-adsorbed biomacromolecules modulate the extent and rate of glyphosate adsorption and desorption where electrostatic and noncovalent [...]
Multi-proxy assessment of surface sediments using APPI-P FTICR-MS reveals a complex biogeochemical record along a salinity gradient in the Pearl River estuary and coastal South China Sea
Published: 2021-12-10
Subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Biogeochemistry, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry, Physical Sciences and Mathematics
The Pearl River drains the second largest watershed in China, funnelling large amounts of freshwater and organic matter into the northern part of the South China Sea through an estuary characterized by pronounced biogeochemical gradients. In this study we analyzed organic extracts of surface sediments collected along land-sea transect that captures a transition from freshwater environment at the [...]
Sedimentary structures discriminations with hyperspectral imaging on sediment cores
Published: 2020-07-17
Subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Multivariate Analysis, Optics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics, Sedimentology, Statistical Models, Statistics and Probability
Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) is a non-destructive high-resolution sensor, which is currently under significant development to analyze geological areas with remote devices or natural samples in a laboratory. In both cases, the hyperspectral image provides several sedimentary structures that need to be separated to temporally and spatially describe the sample. Sediment sequences are composed of [...]
High-resolution prediction of organic matter concentration with hyperspectral imaging on a sediment core
Published: 2019-02-21
Subjects: Analytical Chemistry, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Sciences, Optics, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Physics, Sedimentology, Statistical Models, Statistics and Probability
In the case of environmental samples, the use of a chemometrics-based prediction model is highly challenging because of the difficulty in experimentally creating a well-ranged reference sample set. In this study, we present a methodology using short wave infrared hyperspectral imaging to create a partial least squares regression model on a cored sediment sample. It was applied to a sediment core [...]