The Provision and Utility of Science and Uncertainty to Decision-Makers: Earth Science Case Studies

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Supplementary Files

Mark Quigley, Luke Bennetts, Patricia Durance, Petra M. Kuhnert, Mark D. Lindsay, Keith G. Pembleton, Melanie E. Roberts, Christopher J. White


This document presents case studies that have been submitted for publication at the journal ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS AND DECISIONS. The collective results of these case studies are analysed in a companion manuscript submitted for publication in MINERVA. These case studies have been internally and externally peer reviewed prior to submission to If accepted at ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS AND DECISIONS and MINERVA, this manuscript and its companion manuscript will be available via the ‘Peer-reviewed Publication DOI’ link on the right-hand side of this webpage. A more detailed study of some of the concepts presented in Case Study 1 is currently being written by MQ and colleagues from New Zealand for submission to NATURAL HAZARDS.
Please contact any of the authors on the content presented herein; we welcome constructive feedback.



Earth Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics


earth science, policy, decision-making, environmental science, natural disasters


Published: 2018-10-08 02:04


GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 2.1