A mathematical morphology approach to the identification of drought events in space and time

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Hilde Vernieuwe, Bernard De Baets, Niko Verhoest


Drought events occur worldwide and possibly incur severe consequences. Trying to understand and characterizing drought events is of primordial importance in order to improve the preparedness for coping with future events. In this paper, drought events are characterized by exploiting their spatio-temporal nature. Operators borrowed from mathematical morphology are applied to represent drought events as connected components in space and time. Characteristics reflecting the affected area, duration, and intensity are extracted from the proposed representation of a drought event. As an illustration, drought events are identified on the basis of a 35-year data set of daily soil moisture values covering Australia.




Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences and Mathematics, Water Resource Management


connected component, drought identification, mathematical morphology, space and time


Published: 2018-08-30 06:32

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