Flexural strike-slip basins

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Derek Neuharth , Sascha Brune, Anne C Glerum , Chris K Morley, XIAOPING YUAN , Jean Braun 


Strike-slip faults are classically associated with pull-apart basins where continental crust is thinned between two laterally offset fault segments. Here we propose a subsidence mechanism to explain the formation of a new type of basin where no substantial segment offset or syn-strike-slip thinning is observed. Such “flexural strike-slip basins” form due to a sediment load creating accommodation space by bending the lithosphere. We use a two-way coupling between the geodynamic code ASPECT and surface processes code FastScape to show that flexural strike-slip basins emerge if sediment is deposited on thin lithosphere close to a strike-slip fault. These conditions were met at the Andaman Basin Central Fault, where seismic reflection data provide evidence of a laterally extensive flexural basin with a depocenter located parallel to the strike-slip fault trace.




Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Geodynamics, strike-slip, surface processes, basin formation, Andaman sea


Published: 2021-06-10 20:01

Last Updated: 2021-12-14 22:27

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