Complex evolution of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake revealed by teleseismic body waves

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Kenta Ohara , Yuji Yagi, Shinji Yamashita, Ryo Okuwaki , Shiro Hirano, Yukitoshi Fukahata


The 2016 Kaikoura earthquake, New Zealand, ruptured more than a dozen faults, making it difficult to prescribe a model fault for analysing the event by inversion. To model this earthquake from teleseismic records, we used a potency density tensor inversion, which projects multiple fault slips onto a single model fault plane, which reduced the non-uniqueness due to the uncertainty in selecting the faults’ orientations. The resulting distribution of potency-rate density tensors is consistent with observed surface ruptures. In its initial stage, the rupture propagated northeastward primarily at shallow depths, and the rupture propagated northeastward at deep depths beneath a gap in reported surface ruptures. The main rupture phase started in the northeastern part of the Kekerengu fault after 50 s and propagated bilaterally to the northeast and southwest. The non-double-couple component grew to a large fraction of the source elements as the rupture went through the junction of the Jordan Thrust and the Papatea fault, which suggests that the rupture branched into both faults as it back-propagated toward the southwest. The potency density tensor inversion sheds new light on the irregular evolution of this earthquake, which produced a fault rupture pattern of unprecedented complexity. Our source model should provide new insights into source process of the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake (e.g., back-rupture propagation), which should prompt research to determine a more realistic model with segmented faults using near-field data.



Physical Sciences and Mathematics


Earthquake dynamics, waveform inversion, body waves, Earthquake source observation


Published: 2022-09-23 13:22

Last Updated: 2023-02-20 15:52

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