A GEO label for the Sensor Web

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Daniel Nüst , Victoria Lush


The GEO label is a visual metadata summary that is designed to improve understandability of geospatial metadata. The amount of sensor data collected via and published in Sensor Webs is steadily increasing and thus the published metadata becomes more diverse, more complex and harder to understand. To mitigate this issue, we transfer the GEO label into the Sensor Web architecture in an encompassing way by using Sensor Web metadata as the label’s data source and by integrating labels into Sensor Web metadata standards. We conclude that (a) the sensor description metadata standards provide appropriate data fields to complete all the facets of the GEO label except for user-generated information, and (b) that integrating labels into the standards is possible via inline integration and references. The extension mechanisms of a GEO label prototype implantation is successfully used to demonstrate a Sensor Web Label. We end with an extensive description of new research directions for the novel Sensor Web Label.




Computer Sciences, Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces, Physical Sciences and Mathematics


AGILEGIS, AGILE short paper, Metadata, visualisation, discovery, GEO label, GEOLabel, GEOSS, sensors, Sensor Web


Published: 2019-09-28 13:24

Last Updated: 2019-11-12 06:27

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